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The King of Goblins  is a powerful figure in the origin story of Goblinoids appearing with a generally similar appearance in both Goblin and Hobgoblin cultures despite them having different origins in reality.    Both groups perceive Maglubiyet as their patron god and claim that he appeared before a pair of warring tribes; one dwarf and one human. Realising their power united was far greater than it divided Maglubiyet altered them both to take his divine shape ending their hostilities and allowing them to unite against their foes. In the coming battles the tribes conquered many dwarves but the humans stubbornly resisted and so Maglubiyet granted his blessing only to Dwarves and Hobgoblins with the former being able to birth Goblins  naturally and the latter being thanked for their loyalty with a gift of Bugbears .   It is believed that at the end of time when Goblins and Hobgoblins have proven themselves worthy Maglubiyet will return to Aesalia and lead his kin in war against the unchanged until all are converted to his form and a new united society can be born.   In truth however Maglubiyet, like many patron gods was a Dragon who created Hobgoblins using Goblin and Human roots. Maglubiyet The Corrupter would eventually be slain in the Golden Expanse by the Order of Tatham.


Many goblin and hobgoblin clans have scraps of armour said to have been worn by Maglubiyet when he appeared before the original clans but those that have studied them often claim the enchantments were placed far later on in history. Beneath the mountain a weapon known as the Blade Whip of the Goblin King has often been proclaimed as an authentic artefact with some suggesting that any who wield the whip gain instant command of goblinkind around them. Whether this is true however is impossible to say.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: A Bloody Scimitar across a Black Whip
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mighty One, High Chieftain, Battle Lord, The First Of the New, King of the Cursed Ones, King of Goblins, Fiery-Eyes, The Great Scourge, The Lord of Depths and Darkness, The God of Conquest

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