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Marvos is a controversial deity often wrongly perceiving him as cruel and merciless instead of his true nature as just and honourable. Marvos imbues those who draw on him with courage and strength and the ability to inspire others as such. He is one of the most well-known and worshiped lesser deities with most mercenary companies having a shrine to him in their hall. True adherents of Marvos know that a fight without a chance of losing is dishonourable and thus would attack smaller armies with a proportional fraction of their own force. They would also be under no concern about refusing a duel they couldn’t win for the same reason. Marvos cares more for an honourable battle than one to boast supremacy.   Marvos is depicted as a Minotaur wielding any weapon combination of the individual’s choice. He rarely appears to worshipers in the Realm of Balance though some have claimed to feel his presence. Worship of Marvos began during the warring years when many warlords would claim his favour and seek out clerics who could channel his power.


Marvos has many weapons throughout history attributed to him and his great forge of war. Many of these items are in fact regular tools wielded by his champions that Marvos blessed and enriched with his divine will granting them new and powerful abilities.

Holy Books & Codes

Near all followers of Marvos follow some code or system of honourable battle that is altered according to the standards of society. Common in all of these is a strict prohibition of the desecration of the bodies of the dead and a high value placed on honour.   One example of a code is Clan Varcheg of Solstein who follow 'The Way'
  • The purpose of battle is honour
  • Honour is found in rightfully wagering glorious battle
  • Glorious battles require worthy foes
  • Raiding attracts such foes
  • Such foes can grant an honourable death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sigil: Axe and Sword crossing

Tenets of Faith

Prayer of Honour Battle is a natural expression and cannot be stopped It is not battle to butcher an enemy that cannot fight back, Honour must be the aim It is not battle to die of old age or craven behind walls, Honour must be the aim It is not battle to use poison or deceit to hamper a foe, Honour must be the aim   Funeral Rights   Worshipers of Marvos believe that only death in battle is worthy and it is their custom to be left at the spot of their death to decompose upon the field of battle. Where this is impossible the worshiper is burned on the spot instead alongside their chosen weapon and armour. Those of his followers who die of old age are burned alongside their weapons, armour and a pair of coins on each eye taken from foreign lands they raided in. it is believed that these coins will buy them a duel with one of Marvos' Einherjar will afford them a battle in the Fields of Eternia. If they prove themselves worthy they will be allowed to remain in the fields but will otherwise be denied that right and cast into the Void.


Feast Day of Marvi   Celebrated on the 15th of Marvi the feast day of the war god is a common celebration especially at times of war or on its approach. More often than any other time of year this feast day is used to mark the start of a campaign or celebrate its end. Customs include:
  • Duels to the death are always legal on this day or require a worthy sacrifice to be made in their place
  • Tournaments are often held or at least sparring to entertain the commonfolk
  • Those who have fought in wars often impale their weapons into a tree or post at the centre of their settlement at the end of the day in memory of the fallen.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Marvos is depicted as a Minotaur wielding any weapon combination of the individual’s choice
Divine Classification

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