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The Void

The Void is the space between the realms in which nothing is known to exist but by the will of its 'sovereign' the Forgotten One. Passage between the realms requires the crossing of this space which was rendered impossible by the Crow at the dawn of chronicled time. Those that have since managed to pass do so through 'corridors' that are said to be maddening and eternal with glimpses into all known realities along their passage. None however are known to have managed to enter the Void itself and leave alive but for those who the Forgotten One has visited and allegedly taken there.   The 'planes' of the ederic gods and racial afterlife's are said to exist within the void as areas separate from its chaos and sustained by a disputed will. This has caused further debate as to whether the ederic gods are the true masters of the realm and if the Forgotten One is not merely a steward like figure of their design. The ederic gods have spoken little of this and comment with particularly cryptic answers on the forgotten one and the nature of the void.    The Void is however the final destination of any soul in Aesalia with the ederic gods having explained that there the souls wither and break up into a dust like substance which eventually fuses with other 'dusts' to form new souls at the birth of new residence. Some scholars have suggested that this dust is what makes up all of the Void and that its strange mixture of presences are a result of these various souls memories and essences coming together.

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