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The towering cliffs that surround Solstein are quite beautiful if constraining, the tips of many of the mountains disappearing into the sky as if teeth ready to consume it. On the ground however the reality of the world is oppressive against you. Ice cold winds constantly irk your skin and deep snow covers all the ground you cross. What wildlife, or indeed people, could survive such harsh winters is a horrifying thought to you but amidst the biting winds are sweet smells that seem to wisp from the rivers and forests offering a glimmer of salvation in the sadness of the world.   The land of Solstein sits high in the mountains accessible only through the Calgurn Pass. Within its borders many clans have emerged all of whom are unified by a common history and passion for the raiding of others.   History claims that Solstein was created after a great warrior led the nine clans to war against the frost dragon that resided within the valley though the truth of that is unclear. What is certain is that the valley has remained united since eager to defend its people against any outside threat whilst siphoning their wealth for its own glory.


"The towering cliffs that surround Solstein are quite beautiful if constraining, the tips of many of the mountains disappearing into the sky as if teeth ready to consume it. On the ground however the reality of the world is oppressive against you. Ice cold winds constantly irk your skin and deep snow covers all the ground you cross. What wildlife, or indeed people, could survive such harsh winters is a horrifying thought to you but amidst the biting winds are sweet smells that seem to wisp from the rivers and forests offering a glimmer of salvation in the sadness of the world."   Solstein is surrounding by huge mountains with only one practical means of entering or leaving, the Calgurn Pass, and several small pathways into the mountains for the daring. Snow has a near permanent presence in the valley, disappearing briefly in the summer, but winters are particularly inhospitable and lead many of the clans to shut off within their own holds until it passes.    Two lakes rest within the region and a number of forests all of which are claimed by assorted holds or clans. Barrows and other landmarks can also be found across the territory marking the lives of great warriors that came before.    Outside of winter Solstein is also marked by a substantial amount of mines that are sealed during the colder months for their inhospitality.


The savage winters and martial people have led to the creatures of the valley being wary or aggressive. Prey tend to be good at hiding and both swift and quiet on their feet to avoid detection by foes whilst the predators have adjusted to survive the hostile climate and use it to find weakened prey that are less well adjusted.


‘Founded’ over two thousand years ago by the Warchief Ragnar Thoraldssan, who rallied the tribes to kill the beast Cazaran, Solstein has gradually grown into a raiding community devoted not solely to fighting amongst their own number with varying unity and alliances.    Though Ragnar created the hold long ago for much of Solstein's past the land has been at war with one another with the most powerful clan claiming the mantle of warchief and earning tribute from the others until a shift in power led to another decade or so of war between the clans. At numerous times Calgurn was divided in possession or ruled solely by the clergy of the valley as several clans claimed the mantle of warchief while at others it was ruled under a single strong rule.    The gradual unification behind the title began as the Solsteiners found new foes in the valley below. Over centuries they slowly fought to control their valley and the pass below despite the challenges of the Dwarven, or now goblin, kingdom below the mountain and the once hostile half-giants of Clan Dal.    As the ash settled on these battles the Solsteiners reigned supreme and moved their focus to the lowlands below where they raided the disorganised warring states for resources and wealth to fuel their swift expansion. This new and wealthy target took much away from the needs to challenge one another's and heralded a new age of unity behind the token leader of the basin.    The greatest challenge to this status quo was in the guise of the Emerald King, an Ansigtsløse Jarl who maneuvered his way into the title of warchief, and began replacing Jarls and critics with changelings loyal to his will. The brutality of the Emerald King's rule as well as the loss of honour and dignity within the valley led to the Ansigtsløse being banned from the mantle of warchief ever again and their ability to claim the title of Jarl for their leader revoked.    As of the Land United Campaign no raids have left Solstein for half a decade with little sign of the land beside occasional caravans delivering furs and other such wares. A single raid against Borlun however led to the county of Eivurn attacking with the use of Fireborn mercenaries commencing the event known as the Fireborn Invasion.
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