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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Female Names: Steinvor, Turid, Frida, Fastvi, Ingrid, Ingigerd, Thordis, Grima, Olof, Torgärd

Masculine names

Male Names: Ragnar, Rurik, Halfdan, Dan, Hosvir, Knut, Knútr, Slodi, Hadd, Hrollaug, Ærnmund, Athils, Sæbbi, Borstig

Family names

Surnames in Solstein are mostly taken from the same-sex parent with the suffix sdottir or sson dependent on whether the child is female or male. For instance a female Solsteiner whose mother was named Freya would have the surname Freyasdottir while a male Solsteiner whose father was named Ragnar would have the surname Ragnarsson.    In cases where one of the parents is particularly prestigious or famous both childs may take the name of the more acclaimed parent with the same suffix's added on.

Other names

Many Solsteiners are given monikers or nicknames based on a great achievement in their lives that is used instead. '___kissed' is common for those who have had a notable encounter with a force or entity such as 'wolfkissed' for one who had a famed battle with a wolf. Similar titles also exist for those who were born under certain circumstances, fought in a certain manor or achieved some great feat.


Major language groups and dialects

Solsteiners speak a brutal merging of Common and Druidic as their natural tongue which takes more influences from the latter but with soft flavors of the former coming through. Experienced raiders often learn the common tongue to better interrogate and spread fear amongst their foes but rarely choose to speak the tongue to one another unless it serves a clear purpose such as education.

Shared customary codes and values

Solsteiners are a brutal people shaped by a harsh and unforgiving homeland alongside traditions of violence and glory. The valley itself experiences largely two seasons known as 'harvest' and 'winter'.    In the 'harvest' season, which lasts through spring and summer, most Solsteiners leave to raid leaving some to attend to farmsteads or oversee the slaves sent down to mine in the many caverns and mines that litter the landscape. Solsteiners are expected to go raiding at least once in their life to earn their way into the deities afterlife and be acknowledged fully as an adult. Older residents tend to oversee the slaves and the affairs at home while these raids occur but particularly among the more aggressive clans those nearing the end of their life will chose to go on a final raid where they can lose their life in battle.    In the 'winter' season, which lasts through autumn and winter, Solsteiners retreat from their raids and from the Calgurn pass into their holds where they rest and share their bounty. Travel between holds is minimal with those few who are required to travel wearing heavy furs to keep warm and often moving in groups to keep safe amongst the various threats. Most clans pay little attention to each other in this time and celebrate their successful raids internally whilst making plans for where to go in the next 'harvest' season.


Gender Ideals

Solsteiner's have a largely strength based approach to society and while they acknowledge that women must birth children there is no expectation that a woman must remain in the hold and avoid responsibilities until they chose to. For this reason pregnant raiders occasionally depart birthing children known as 'battleborn' whilst plundering the lowlands.

Courtship Ideals

Solsteiners have very relaxed approaches to courtship with one-night-stands being entirely acceptable and commonplace. Solsteiners are expected to be faithful to their partner while in the same hold but while one is parted or they are on a raid all expectations are lifted. Bastards born of casual encounters are expected to be raised by one of the two determined by the pair, at the intervention of the relevant Jarl's if need be.   Where Solsteiners seek a more permanent relationship or 'union' as they call it the suitor offers a brass torque and, if the partner is interested, is given a task to complete to mark the union. If they succeed their intended gives them a torque and the two are united in a ceremony led by a local clergyman or the Jarl.

Relationship Ideals

Solstein relationships can be ended at any moment by either party by asking the Jarl's permission. The Jarl is expected to make an effort to keep the union together but this need be no more than a meeting between the pair. If separation is granted the pair are expected to divide possessions amicably with the Jarl again interceding where there are disagreements.
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