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Gron Guardsmen

The guards of Gron were offered many opportunities by Ubba yet all felt the tension of their act. Called traitors and liars the guards decided to leave the valley for new lands were they might start anew and so began a great journey across the mountains. While their fate was believed lost for milenia the Frontier Age would answer the old question with the discovery of the Kingdom of Rurin, a small martial society that had founded on the eastern slopes of the mountains their ancestors past long ago. This meeting would cause a cultural revival of many Mythic traditions and tales


The Gron Guardsmen were led by the Commander of Gron who was elected from within their own number in an open ballot. The leader of Gron ruled with total authority until their death or resignation upon being unable to complete the role. They did however often appoint officers to manage the key functions of the hold particularly of its: defence, grain distribution and recruitment.


As the guards of Gron were recruited from each of the clans of the valley it's cultural traditions tended to operate as a mixture of all of the groups. Each feast day was celebrated modestly with no god having precedence over the others besides Tatham whose day of pardons was often used to resolve tensions and disputes within the hold.    This non-clan culture was illustrated most clearly through the attire of the group who wore fur clad armour devoid of sigils or emblems of their former loyalties. These simple unified garbs reminded them of their new loyalties an duties and served to remove much of the tension that could come from old rivalries.


Gron was equipped and maintained through the Warchief of Solstein who would provide arms, equipment and if necessary conscripts to maintain the hold. This was done on the recommendation of the Commander of Gron who was expected to meet with the Warchief of Solstein at the beginning of each winter to discuss the distribution of grain over the season.


Following the end of The Fireborn Invasion and the Eivurn-Solstein War the Gron Guardsmen under the Commander of Gron Oryndur the Raventouched departed across the mountains in hopes of finding a place to live where they could maintain the old ways in the face of Solstein modernisation. Following their discovery and founding of the Kingdom of Rurin the Gron Guardsmen ceased to exist instead becoming Rurinites after the explorer who found the land.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Gron Guards
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