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The Watcher in the Woods

Before you is a twisted amalgamation of flesh and wood. It is at no point clear where one begins and the other ends save for the old wretched face that peers out towards you. Blood, or perhaps sap, oozes from several parts of the figure and dozens of ravens perch on assorted roots and parts of its form. A young boy with white eyes seems unaware of your entrance as he sits against the figure.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Watcher in the Woods was born in the unwritten age when the Order of Tatham still stood and warlords roamed the land in ever collapsing states and forms. He was among the first to enter Solstein fleeing the mountain frost into the promised paradise under the leadership of Warchief Ragnar Thoraldssan. Finding it to be the home of a powerful frost dragon that had survived the flight the arrivers descended ruthlessly on the resting beast and in a savage battle managed to slay it.   The Watcher in the Woods was named the leader of Clan Forsker who devoted themselves to worship of the Everwatcher and the preservation of the valley's wisdom and magical knowledge. He served dutifully through his life laying the foundation of their hold and creating traditions that would last throughout time. Eventually however he began to feel the frailty of his old age creeping in and, fearing death, chose to enact an ancient druidic ritual binding his own body to the land and turning him into the half-tree entity now known as the Watcher in the Woods.   The Forsker clan followed his wishes and hid his new immortality from the rest of the valley instead electing a new Jarl who would come to him for guidance and wisdom as he explored the world through the ravens that he magically inhabited the bodies of or spoke to through old magic. Still, rumours of his existence spread through the valley and those who new him in life would occasionally make pilgrimages to investigate the truth being granted access to the woods only on his command.   As time progressed the tree he bound himself to gradually grew and fearing discovery by unwanted guests he used magic to turn it into a great shrub to protect him. Here he has followed the world in Solstein and beyond through the eyes of his many ravens any of whom he can enter and observe from his mountain home. He feeds from the land itself and can grant visions of what he has seen to any who wish with many orphaned Forsker being sent to him to experience the lives of their ancestors to best honour their names.   Jarl's traditionally visit him upon their election and speak on their plans for the clan together forming a vision for the path of the Forsker with the Watcher representing the long term vision of its founders and the Jarl representing those short term needs and beliefs of the living clansmen.   During the Fireborn Invasion Lord Caesar Merkstein found a speaking stone that, at the Watcher's request, allowed the two to correspond. Merkstein was directed to bring the party to visit him in exchange for answers to the lord's questions. The Watcher answered some of the parties questions and gave them insight into their futures and past. He would meet Raz, Merric and Kanuna again before the Ting Meet as they arrived at the valley in which he would reveal sections of Raz's past to her through the consumption of his sap.    Ultimately Raz would kill the Watcher in the Woods with the help of Merric and Ulf in order to take his immortal heart and use it in a blood ritual performed by Freya. As a result of this ritual Freya would gain control over Jarl Vikar of the Dod, Raz would become resistant to enchantments and Merric gained increased strength, which due to already developing lycanthropy, caused his full transition into a Werebear.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Watcher in the Woods, Raven-Eye, Tree-Father, Tree-Speaker, The One Who Sees, The Old Man in the Woods, Past-Speaker, The Hidden Jarl
Date of Birth
12th Watcher
Date of Death
24th Gruumara
836 PE 1901 1E 2737 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by Raz Palatine
Place of Death
Calgurn, Watcher's Woods
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization

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