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Created as coastguards to look over the islands of Renmin, Liadon & Koanga, Tortles are a rare species in most of Aesalia that thrive in small communities. Living long lives they tend to favour shamanistic arts that allow them to commune with the dead’s spirits even after passing. Tortles tend to view all of life as a journey and death as merely a stage in the grand journey of societal progress.

Basic Information


Tortle possess a standard humanoid appearance except for the substantially sized shell that grows alongside them and rests on its back. The Tortle's shell can be retreated into and provides both heating and protection to the tortle. While the shell can be broken with enough force it requires intentional and targeted force to break. The pattern and style of a tortles shell tends to vary between clans and the experiences and life of the tortle.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tortle are able to reproduce only with other tortles and then only in the right conditions. Tortle fertility requires conditions of lukewarm or hot water that both parties have resided in for several hours. At this point the tortle partners are able to engage in sexual reproduction and conceive a child. Tortles are able to conceive from adulthood till their death. Oftentimes tortles are born in hatches of seven or more children.   Tortle gestation occurs in two forms; first is following the encounter where the female must remain in the water for a period of two months while the eff is formed and laid. The egg itself tends to have a leathery texture and must be kept in the water for at least the first six months of its existence. Tortle eggs take eighteen months to hatch and are prized as food by many aquatic creatures.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tortles grow slowly with their minds often reaching adulthood long before their body reaches its final stage. The final natural body of a tortle is usually reached after its second century of life. Growth in tortles usually comes through a gradual expansion of the shell following a then growth of the body. In their final stage of life the shell hardens for several decades ensuring a safe retreat.    The final life expectancy of a tortle is unknown with many able to continue surviving for centuries without any significant degradation of their mind or body. Most often Tortles die in battle from their knightly orders or when retiring in peace to a place of peace where they gradually become more and more calm until their heart stops beating and they peacefully pass away.

Ecology and Habitats

Tortles tend to live on small islands near the ocean but can survive underwater for hours at a time with practice. Many tortles take up long residences beneath the waves using special herbs and magical items to extend the time they can survive without going to the surface for air.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tortles are omnivores but prefer vegetarian food in their diet. Often they will eat meat and fish at special occasions but otherwise live entirely on a modest vegetable based diet.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tortle's have similar arcanum to other dragonforged species that came through in their creation. Those tortles who chose to practice magical arts are more often monks than wizards though the divine and natural magics are also quite common among their ranks.
Scientific Name
Sovok Qav
Average Height
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