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Noted for their potent stench the troglodytes of the underdark exist largely as creatures of myth to most of the mer. Those who have encountered them however speak of a savage and tribal group with little notion of civilisation or cleanliness that worship relics of history or places of natural beauty.

Basic Information


Troglodytes tend to be around 1.5‒1.8 m tall with spindly but muscular arms, squat legs and long, slender tails. Their bodies are coated with rough leathery scales, and most Troglodytes possess a naturally grayish-brown skin tone, although they possess the chameleon-like ability to change their coloration. They have lizard-like heads, which on males is crowned with frills that extends from their foreheads to their necks. Their black beady eyes struggled to see in the light, and their claws and fangs are clearly visible.

Genetics and Reproduction

Troglodyte's reproduce through oral reproduction exchanging genetic data via oral contact. During such contact the male Troglodyte excretes their semen into the female Troglodyte whose body then fuses it with one of their eggs. If the fertilization is successful the female troglodyte lays an egg after a week which takes approximately two months to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Troglodytes are hatch from their eggs unscaled living as infants for a period of two months before their baby scales have fully grown. The troglodytes body then gradually grows over the course of a year during which its old scales eventually peel off leaving a rash on their gelatinous skin over the top of which a new scale grows. The adult scales if removed do not grow back but the usually soft skin beneath does begin to harden and desensitize over time.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Troglodyte's possessed the capability to drink and process arcanum though they have very little natural arcanum in their bodies. Those troglodyte that prove themselves able to perform magic are often named the clan shaman or given other high positions in their tribal unit.     Their time spent underground has however granted troglodytes exceptional darkvision and a powerful sense of smell capable of bypassing their own odors to detect other predators and prey in the underdark.
Scientific Name
60 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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