Leveling Up

Leveling Up

Whenever you've experience enough combat, killed the big boss, or convinced the king to your side the Game Master may let you level up. By leveling up, your characters level increased by one and you gain new features an abilities. You can level up to the highest level being level 20. Once you reach level twenty, you are considered a master of your field and unmatched only by others of your level. Warriors become masters of warfair, bards and schemers are able to convince anyone of anything, and wizards gain mastery over reality.

1st Level

All characters start at first level. When a character is first made there are four primary choices to be made, Character Race, Determining Attributes, Background, and Features. Once all of these are determined, the character is finished and is 1st level.
Character Race
Determining Attributes

Gaining Feature Points

Every time you level up after your first level, you gain an additional of five feature points that can be spent on any features of your choice on the Features page. You can also choose to save these points for later and spend them the next time you would level up.

Leveling Up Table

A chart listing all of the increases to stats as your character levels up. Below the chart is a more detailed list.

Skill Increase

Your character gains one level of PRF in three different Skill Types of your choice.
  • One Generic Skill
  • One Resistance Skill
  • One Weapon or Shield skill - OR - Spell Skill

Attribute Increase

Your character increases one attribute of their choice by +1.


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