Book of Gambles

Renfortuna's secrets, final part

While the two out of three Witches that form Renfortuna's Coven of Glitter and Gold, the Witch of Chance and the Witch of Entertainment, prefer to do things spontaneously, the third one, the Witch of Wealth, does things by the books. And she is keeping every single scheme, transaction, bet, and wager written down because she loves to have written proof of every single profit that falls into her hand. But this is a double-edged sword because, in those neatly-organized books, there is evidence of everything she and her partners have done.   The Book of Gambles describes every single Last Gamble that took place in Renfortuna's Palace of Fortune, every single victim of them (a list that would coincide with the names of every worker of the Palace, should they still possess names), and every way each of those games was rigged or impossible to win from the start.   And, during one of their last heists, and thanks to the info of one of the people they helped, Second Chance, an organization that fights against those three Witches in secret and tries to reveal their schemes to the world, managed to obtain said book. Fortunately to them, they also managed to contact one of the traveling Chroniclers, Leane Auder, who spread the book outside the area of influence of the Coven of Glitter and Gold, sowing more and more mistrust in Witches.
Witch of Wealth
Leaked Original
With every passing day, the book's content is spread more and more around the whole Urnketh

Cover image: by Revyera


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Aug 4, 2024 06:40 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how you tied all these prompts together and brought this story back around.

Aug 4, 2024 08:44

And I have to say that I thank you for reading all of them and leaving your comments under them. I really appreciate it! :D