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Kesc Gifl'el

Corporal Kesc Gifl'el

Physical Description

Body Features

  • Light brown fur.

Facial Features

  • Large ears.

Specialized Equipment

  • Light arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


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During the time of the Galactic Republic, Kesc Gifl'el served as a minor diplomat. Yet, following the rise of the Empire — while many of his colleagues became willing Imperial servants — Kesc knew the writing was on the wall, that the Empire would eventually destroy everything that he held dear. Seeking out his underground contacts, Kesc became an asset to the rebellion, attending Imperial meetings and discussions and passing along intelligence.   But as time passed and he saw the shadow of Imperial tyranny cast over more and more planets, Kesc realised he could put his talents to greater use. Joining the Rebellion fully, he would serve on the frontlines but on his own terms, using his natural gift for words as a powerful weapon in its own right, fomenting discord and inciting action against the Imperial oppressor.


  • Studied under the pacifist Ithorian philosopher Borrosel


  • (Formerly) Galactic civil service.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • [4.2.0 ABY] Took part in a raid on Imperial comms outpost on Jhako. Caused heavy enemy casualties.
  • [7.2.0 ABY] Took part in the capture of Imperial Intelligence Special Agent Mardek Dellel. - AWARDED CITATION
  • [15.2.0 ABY] Instrumental in defence of Farstone Base, impeding the advancement of Imperial forces, assisting in the evacuation, and destroying the base to prevent it from falling into enemy hands.
  • [16.2.0] Promoted to the rank of Corporal. Given command of 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Echo Company of the 31st Regiment. Awarded with the Alliance Heroism Medal.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • [6.2.0 ABY] Lost a high-stakes Sabaac match at the Palatia Hub's Boonta Boonta Lounge on Dorumaa.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Strong knowledge of galactic criminal organisations and practices.  

Morality & Philosophy

  • Belief: Species Rights
  • Duty: Recruiting
"Every engagement with the Empire is a war of attrition and that is a war that the Rebellion simply cannot win. Nonetheless, more people must be found to serve, and they are needed in every capacity. Not only does the military need more soldiers and pilots, it needs more technicians, engineers, mechanics, scientists, doctors, slicers and just about every other kind of worker. Kesc understands the risks of recruitment, as well as the needs, and is constantly on the lookout for allies who are both talented and trustworthy."

- Ersk Hothahe, aide to Senator Bail Organa


Contacts & Relations


  • Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Colis Maakk


  • Borrosel (DECEASED): Pacifist Ithorian philosopher. Killed by Imperial forces.


  • Sentenna Hase: Former romantic relationship

Social Aptitude

Trained in:
  • Negotiation
  • Diplomacy
  • Espionage
Current Status
Serving in 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Echo Company, 2nd Battalion, 31st Regiment
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Rank: Corporal   Position: Squad leader   Awards:
  Alliance Heroism Medal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown Fur
Quotes & Catchphrases
"That's why you love me!"   - Said after being slapped/kissed by Setenna Hase
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Bothan: Bothese (spoken), Botha (written), Wrendui (non-verbal communication)
  • Basic
Character Prototype
Diplomat (Agitator)

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