Cavern of the Ancestors Building / Landmark in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Cavern of the Ancestors

High in the ice fields of the Balinok Mountains of the Dibril Valley, this cavern shows signs of humanoid habitation going back millennia. A tribe of Terg occupies the cavern, led by the blind shaman, Einar. Unlike most Terg tribes in Dibril that worship the corrupted Land, this tribe reveres their ancestors as sacred and seeks to harness the mystical power of blood magic.  


After rescuing the Terg scout Syanka from a crevasse in the ice, the party is invited back to the cavern. Here, Syanka introduces the party to her grandfather Einar, shaman of the tribe. Einer proclaims that the tribe has heard of the party and their exploits through the "sons of my sisters," Szoldar and Yevgeni.   Einar gifts each of the party members with a blood rune and promises the assistance of the Terg clans that resist Ravna's dominion over the Land, should the party restore the Fanes of Dirbil. Einar gives Ivah a bone knife, with instructions to cut herself and plant the knife in the soil when it is time for the tribes to rise up.   Later, Syanka shares stories with Ivah, and tells the party several myths of the Terg and the other people of Dibril. She also gifts Ivah the thighbone of Saint Markovia, protected by her family for generations.
Room, Natural, Cavern
Parent Location


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