Yeti Cave Geographic Location in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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Yeti Cave

A wide, snowy path follows the side of the mountain, ending in a large cleft in the rockface. Despite the blowing snow, you see enormous bloody tracks leading into the dark opening.
A natural cavern high in the northwestern edge of the Balinok Mountains.  


While searching for Rudolph van Richten, the party tracks a large creature back to this cave, which turns out to be an abominable yeti. After defeating the yeti, the party finds the renames of van Richten, who was killed and partially eaten by the creature. However, Ivah finds a ring that contains his soul, which can still communicate with the wearer.   Later, the werewolf shaman Zuleika negotiates with the party to take the cave for her pack, in exchange for helping the characters find Ireena and the Mad Mage.
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