College of Westermount Organization in Age Of The Imperium | World Anvil
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College of Westermount

College of Westermount
Founded more than a thousand years ago, older even than the Undying Emperor himself, the College of Westmount is the greatest institution of learning in the known world. Hopefuls throughout the Imperium make the perilous journey to the College, seeking only the chance of acceptance into its ancient halls.   Nearly all practitioners of the more traditional arcane arts boast of some training at the College. Wizards of every type walk the vaulted chambers of the Great Library, delving into knowledge that spans dozens of centuries and all the known lands.   Despite its great age and prestige, the College is not seen in a positive light by all. Its ready access to knowledge from before the time of the Emperor often leads it into conflict with the more rigid members of the Imperial Orders, most notably the Templar. With the rapid rise of the Academy of Sion, whispers have begun in the Imperial government advocating for the closure of the College.
College Insignia
Educational, School/Academy


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