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Zeset Qihbrish

female elderly Vourinoi elf beastmaster

Has a no-nonsense attitude for her workers in the Stockyard and a supernatural control of animals. She employs many people in the Stockyard, including a cadre of over thirty dwarven strongarms, although she is not below hiring unsavory elements to help her engage and control the various creatures under her purview. She has a cold demeanor under most circumstances but seems to soften immediately around meeting Fang for the first time, who seems equally enamored with her. Zeset has a tattoo under her left eye, while her right is covered in an ornate eyepatch that glistens in sunlight from the right angle. She wears her stark gray hair in loose waves.

She has had some interaction with the "adventure capitalist" Ahmoset Nez, but doesn't claim to know anything of his recent sales of a griffon to Jeremin Hoff or an ochre jelly to Hendrid Pratchett, although neither of these things seems out of the ordinary for him.

She has exhibited powerful magic allowing her to easily dominate the will of massive yet simpleminded creatures. Her casting tradition or limits have not been established. Additionally, she has demonstrated pacification magic on Fang to calm his aggressive reactions to Cara and identification magic on Ahka to help differentiate his heritage as a weretiger. Cara aided in the re-capture of a rogue gremlin recently when meeting her, leading to the party aiding Zeset in relocating two of her prized animal companions, a mating pair of crystalline wolf-like creatures called tashtari, stolen by Ahmoset Nez, leading to a confrontation with the smuggler Urixikas. Zeset was made aware of the possible threat of the use of the black toxin on the Stockyard, information that she is juggling at the moment, considering her position in the Radiant Festival as a powerful supervisor and seller, but not as an organizer or figure of authority.

Zeset appears to trust the Starwatch agents, especially after the return of her two tashtari, considering Cara the most favorably.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Thumb-sized tattoo under left eye. Eyepatch over right eye. Faint creases are a combination of stress, weather, and age and she wears them proudly.


Religious Views

Desna, the elven pantheon, and the Brightness philosophy.
golden brown
titanium gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
sunkissed tan


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