Balian Veir Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Balian Veir

male ehlad-elvar lawful good redemption paladin of Marha

Balian Veir an Sianondel

Balian is a powerfully-built man and is about as tall as those of his ancestry get. Dressed in resplendent regalia and wielding a finely-crafted weapon, the elven nobleman casts an imposing and fearsome visage.   In action, Balian is a product of his experience. He is cool and collected where others might not be. He's seen too many fights to let the prospective outcome of any conflict shake his resolve.

Physical Description

Body Features

Balian stands well more than six feet in height and is powerfully built.

Facial Features

Balian's almost alabaster skin and white hair might be seen unnatural for someone so young if not for his clear, elven heritage. His pointed ears, almond-shaped, brown eyes, and fine facial features all serve to reveal the particulars of his ancestry.

Apparel & Accessories

Balian wears an ornately-decorated suit of armor resplendent with elven sigils and symbols. It's clearly identified as being the finest of make and quality, further underscoring his heritage and high bearing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Balian Veir was born to wealth and privilege. His family, both immediate and extended, can all trace their ancestry back to Anzen Highburn, the lineage of the very first elves to venture forth from the Realm of Light and into Azocar. Their and his station are unquestioned even in the modern day despite the fact that governance over "the Dale" is no longer the sole provenance of the Ehlad-Elvar and their kin who settled it eons ago.   Balian himself was born in an opulent villa along the eastern edge of Taszer Dale. Like all nobles of his station, he was raised with the expectation that his duty was to be a leader amongst his people, even if albeit as a nominal one. He took to his breeding well and, when he reached adulthood, he took is place as a marshall of the Taszer military. The post was expected to just be a ceremonial stepping-stone from adolescence to full maturity. But then the Hordes came.  

The Horde Wars

During the Wars, Balian served as a squadron leader of the main army of Tasserland. Balian's squadron, like the rest of the larger fighting force saw much action during the Wars. Towards the end of the conflict, when it appeared the allied peoples of Azocar would be able to repel the Hordes, Balian and his squadron were given a special mission. They were tasked with escorting a force of specialized troopers behind enemy lines so that they could capture or assassinate an influential Horde commander. The special force, lead by Balian's cousin, Theron Grey an Galanondel, failed in their task. The circumstances of that failure are unknown and Balian's cousin was the only survivor.  

Adventuring Life

After the Wars, Balian returned home but it wouldn't be long before he realized he could never go back to his old life. Balian had always been a bit of an outlier amongst his kin. His religious devotion would have been strange enough but his whole allegiance to the Mother of the Light, Marha was even more unordinary. Before too long, he decided he would leave home to find his own path in the broader world. He left the Dale and headed north.   Eventually, Balian found his way to the Elysian city of Westport. He was captivated by the cacophony of the busy and raucous city and he decided to stay. In his early days there, he befriended both the loftiest and seediest of Westport's citizenry. From the latter, he struck a friendship with a local tough with more of a conscience that most in his line of work. His name was Konrad Silverwing and the two were soon working together as swords for hire. Still, Balian sought his greater purpose and that presented itself when a group of heroes arrived in the city in pursuit of agents of the Cult of the Dragon.
lawful good
Year of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
born to privilege and opulence
outskirts of Taszer Dale
he / him
white, though not due to age
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
very pale; almost alabaster
6' 4"
190 lbs
worshipper of Marha; also reverent of Lorellon


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