Konrad Silverwing Character in AGG Multiverse | World Anvil
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Konrad Silverwing

male human neutral inquisitive rogue

Konrad is a stocky human man whose dark hair and features suggest an ancestry other than those of the place he makes his home, the City of Westport. It is just one dichotomy of his persona. Another is that, despite a rough appearance with many scars that suggest he's little more than a common thug, there is an intelligence and perceptiveness that is plain to see when anyone regards his ever-vigilant eyes.  

Physical Description

Body Features

Konrad is stocky but not fat. Instead, he is muscular; "thick" if you will. He's not overly imposing height-wise but his rough dress and look intimidate in other ways. He looks like he can definitely handle himself in a brawl.

Facial Features

His round but chiseled face is framed by pitch-black hair and eyes. A thin beard and mustache that show no hints of graying further enhance Konrad's tough look.

Apparel & Accessories

Konrad dresses in dark and haggard clothes, further underscoring his "street" look. He keeps his weapons in plain view and often even walks around with his bow and hand and an arrow knocked.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Konrad wasn't the sort to confide in others about his true origins. If he were, he'd reveal that he originally came from the south of the Taszeranian continent. He barely knew his layabout parents and, from a young age, was forced to make due for himself. This is why he left his home village on the edges of the Taszer Desert and headed to the coastal city nearby, Altharum. There, he lived life as an urchin, first honing his skills as a pickpocket and skulk.  

The Horde Wars

When the Hordes invaded Taszerania, Konrad was already a young adult and an accomplished rogue. Rather than choose a side, though, he decided to sell his services as a spy to anyone on offer. The decision proved fruitful and Konrad made a lot of money. His "work" took him all over the continent and beyond so, when the peace treaty was signed, he found himself in Westport.  

Imprisonment and Destitution

Following the Wars, Konrad went to work in the underworld of Elysia's commercial hub. His skills were improving but he grew too confident. When a job went wrong, his patron, a high-ranking member of the Crimson Hoods named Marcus Hanneraman made it clear that Konrad would be taking the fall for the deed.   Konrad pushed back on this but the gangster cut his legs out from under him. He threatened Konrad that he'd reveal the more inexperienced rogue's part as a double-agent during the Horde Wars, a crime that carried a penalty of death. Hanneraman also extorted Konrad for all his money and the younger thief was locked up and rendered penniless.  

New Life and New Allies

After spending the better part of two decades locked up jail cells and with chain gangs throughout the Southlands and its Coast, Konrad was freed for time served. He didn't have anywhere or anyone to turn to. He had even been deprived of his opportunity for vengeance against Marcus as the gangster had been killed during his time in prison. So he went back to work on the streets.   Years of relying on his fists to stay alive as a prisoner served him well. Konrad took work as a gatherer of information who could beat the stories out of his quarries when he had to. It was during this time, while in the employ of a wealthy merchant with an inventory shrinkage problem, that Konrad met and befriended Balian Veir.   Not long after that, the two were thrust into a quest that was very different than anything else he had ever done. Konrad was skeptical of having to play the role of hero but he did see in it an opportunity to find and acquire treasure.
Year of Birth
he / him
black, worn short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair but tanned
5' 9"
180 lbs


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