Heptarchy Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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The first of the Mage Sovereigns were originally a band of adventurers, experimenter and opportunists, who led a mercenary company in the declining years of the Regime. After they seized control of the coastal cities they were hired to protect they devoted themselves to the search for immortality, and over time abandoned their identities in favour of titles and legends.   The White King was a dwarvern alchemist. He took control of the city of Argo and built its wealth to create the premier trading power in Talahaea.   The elven wizard known as the Librarian seized the scholarly centre of Oebes to be their library.   The leader of the group was a ruthless, elven warlock and brilliant military thinker, who created the famed warrior-aristocracy of Stoiga under the title of Strategos.   The gnomish artificer known as the Scholar was a great rival to the Librarian. Failing to transform Acadma into a rival to Oebes’ archives, he instead created schools and workshops to push the boundaries of knowledge.   The Hecaton was once a wood elf druid, but after fashioning the Great Sanctum of Colchea seemed to become something quite different.   The spiritual leader of the group took, a human cleric, the high ground of Damas as the rock of their own religion, taking the title the Hierophant.   While the immortality, or at least longevity, of the other Tyrants remains shrouded in mystery, the Archlich wore his methods on his sleeve. He turned Zeras into a mist-wreathed sepulchre, with more undead than living subjects.
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