Nome of the Skyward Ridge Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Nome of the Skyward Ridge

Skyward Ridge was the eastern boundary of the territory of the Terassi Union, and traditionally ruled as the personal domain of the Crown Prince. When the Crown Prince Lonra negotiated the Union’s entry into the Blessed Concordance, she included terms which not only granted her and her own heirs an electorate in the Nome of the Stone Valleys for as long as the Concordance lasts, but also secured the Ridge as a separate and equal administrative unit within the Federation. This status has been maintained, not only by pressure from Concordia and the hereditary prince’s veto in the Stone Valley Assembly, but thanks to Skyward Ridge’s traditional alliance with the Dwarf kingdom of the Iron Hills.   Although one of the smallest of the nomes, Skyward Ridge has always been a progressive state, excelling at parlaying dwarf craft into new and innovative fields. It’s sole city, also called Skyward Ridge, is a near-impregnable fortress perched atop one of the sharp, glacial spurs which jut out from the Skystone Peaks.   The electors of the nome are the chancellor, first minister, burgomeister and first general of Skyward Ridge, the master of the merchant’s guild, and the Primarchs of the Archon and the Traveler.
Geopolitical, Province


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