Skyships Technology / Science in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Skyships are a rare sight in the skies of Aiaos, but not so unusual as to be considered more than exotic. There are two types in regular use, the geodic ships of the High Eeries fleet, and the aerogetic vessels used by The Elysian Federation.   Geodic ships use relicts of Titanic Technology, most importantly the Cloud Stones which provide lift. These are a particular stone which has neutral bouyancy in air. The source of these stones is unknown, with Eerian shipwrights paying well for stone reclaimed from downed sky mansions. The sky cities were built on massive cloud stone blocks, but for stability, skyships use meticulously shaped spheres. The offcuts from the shaping are used in floating decor, to make cargo lifters, or to add additional lift to the prow or stern.   The bouyancy of a cloud stone can be increased by cooling it, or reduced by heating. The lift stones of a skyship are held in enchanted cradles which disribute the lift throughout the hull, and also hold spells of heating and cooling bound into them. Flight direction is controlled using lodestones, crystals set into the hull of the shop and bound to a control stone. Managing the bouyancy of the cloud stone and the alignment of the lodestones is the job of the pilot, a post of great honour and distinction in the Eeries.   Aerogetic ships are less robust, being built of light-weight wood enchanted to provide additional strength and lift. Wind catching enchantments surround the sails and the wind sweeps, long oars used to drive the ship and control its motion. If the ship is intended for high speeds, it may be equipped with hurricane tunnels, tubes running the length of the hull which draw in air and expel it at high speed to generate thrust. Such a ship will still use wind sweeps for directional control.   The creation of aerogetic skyshops requires a huge amount of magical effort, not least because the hull's enchantment must be bound deeply into the wood if it is not to be vulnerable to anti-magic effects.


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