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Session Three - Where'd Ozias go??

General Summary

Sir Alistair Howell meanders about Malforten pondering how and where defenses could be enhanced. There are no nearby stone quarries, Timber is two days distant, and earthworks without supports won't hold skirmish cavalry, or be effective against infiltration. Worse yet, even if the resources could be brought to town who would erect such structures? The Militia work the fields. Spring is coming on, crops will need to be planted, and as such the fields prepared. Seeing the Dwarven Merchant that had accompanied him to this place, packing his wagon to depart Sir Howell joined by Ozias went to ask a favor. They spoke about returning with goods and services earlier than normal. recruiting more backs, merchants. Things to help make Malforten not just survive, but expand. It ended with the Dwarf agreeing to speak to The Tinkerers  on his behalf.   Crossing the small central square Sir Howell found Tippi together they spoke of the towns ability to defend itself, and the capabilities of the Blacksmith. An agreement with him that Tippi could work at his forge to aid with the production of spears, or other goods needed for the militia provided she didn't obstruct his need to make a horseshoe was had, and for a moment Alistair felt progress was being made. His moment of content shattered by the guttural scream of "COWARD!!" and the slamming of a door louder than the hammers falling on the anvil behind him broke the Hamlets quiet. Down by the stable the Knight, and the Cleric saw Risha stomping away inside. As they walked closer to investigate Br'er leapt free and carried Risha out of town, racing off to the south. They retraced Risha's steps and found Geoffrey the Hat still picking up the contents of a scattered box. Inside the Shrine to Corthain Alistair found the area looked disused. Vestments seemed tossed aside. Dust covered everything. Most of the candelabra's were empty. Geoffrey claimed the Half-Orc was simply hostile because she didn't understand decorum. The explanation didn't sit well with the two, but when asked to elaborate Geoffrey instead changed the topic. Saying instead he had to tend to his dogs and excused himself.   Alistair sought out Kori to see about using the wagon to assist with a wood gathering expedition. Quinn and Leofric were chosen to travel with the towns working party, while he and Ozias would take one of the mules North along the river toward the Drunderry River Valley area spotted earlier that had plentiful reed growth suitable for wattle.   The next morning as the grey dawn came a working party with two wagons departed south-west while a mule, with Alexandre Loralen and Alistair headed north along the river. A hammer clanged upon the anvil in the blacksmiths as the herds headed out to pasture. As the Hamlet went about it's day Ozias meditated and practiced with his blade until about mid-day before wandering about, and discovering the old watchtower that holds offerings, and a stature to Wenafaire. He surveyed the Hamlet, and surrounding fields from here for a bit.   As the sun set, and the herds returned so to did Alistair, and Alexandre with a willow reed laden Mule. Both were soaked, muddy, and spent by the day's labors, but glad to see Risha return with Br'er hauling a dozen felled saplings and game animal carcasses. The animals were cleaned up first, followed by the inhabitants who enjoyed a bit of Milton food served within the Empty Flagon. As Alexandre retired for the evening, he spotted a thousand pinpricks of light off in the distance while climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor. Alerted the Knights followers looked off in the distance, and Ozias headed back to the tower for a better view. Huffing as he climbed the rough ladder Ozias was pleased to see it was not an imminent attack, but stationary lights roughly a mile off. Illuminated by the cresent moon that was shining through the broken cloud layer. Turning his head Ozias saw a miniature woman with Fey wings appear from nowhere. After recovering from the surprise Ozias realized 'she' had asked a question. He composed himself and asked for her to repeat herself, but she only frowned looked over to the side and stated flatly "It brought nothing"   A bowl clattered to the ground, and three additional small female creatures blinked into view. All had shimmering wings that reflected the moonlight as they took flight. "Wait!" Ozias called out as he raced to to the ground below, racing after the four small flying creatures that swooped and dipped to the ground. Whether blocked by shadow, or a trick of the lights one or two would blink out, only to reemerge a short distance away. He knew they saw his pursuit as one in the lead would perch, call out, and they would change direction, but the Half-Orc pursued slowly gaining.   Stuff happened. Dice were rolled, and Iggy makes a new character....   Just Kidding.   Maybe.   What are the lights in the distance?   Will Ozias catch up?   and can Alistair get anything built before the next assault?

Character(s) interacted with

Geoffrey the Hat, Bloodwyn, Eryl the Hoskin ,Kerrywyn , Menalaus, Blacksmith guy
Report Date
29 May 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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