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The Aguri Family

The Aguri family is a prominent and influential tiefling family with a rich history in the city of Mienica, specifically on The Keldris. They lead The Shade, a criminal family of The Raziim.

Led by the formidable matriarch, Saran Aguri, they have carved a niche for themselves in both the political and underworld realms. The Aguris are known for their distinct appearance, a blend of drow charcoal skin, light hair, and curling black horns.

The Aguri family operates with a blend of political finesse, magical prowess, and underworld influence, making them a force to be reckoned with in Keldris.


Serenity started as a server in a dive tavern on the Keldris. Always hard working and possessing a superior intelligence, she saved her earnings and bought out the drow owner, remaking the sad broken tavern into ‘The Eclipse’. It quickly gained both reputation and renown as a high-class establishment in the gutter of the city. Knowing she had to entice the rich and powerful down to the Keldris, an illegal gambling ring was formed in the basement of the bar. The operation grew at tremendous speed quickly gaining a ‘designer drug’ crowd as well, and thus The Shade was formed. Serenity saw the value of an empire, she had the rich in her pocket through blackmail. And to entice the poor masses, the only drug they needed was violence, birthing the games. By the end of her career Serenity had taken a pitiful tavern and turned it into a multi faceted, dangerous, and utterly influential business that now was a supporting pillar economically and socially in Mienica.

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