Malkiira Arabrae Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Malkiira Arabrae

(a.k.a. Light Spear)

An assassin of The Azure Owls' Kitzstadt operation, and currently serving under The Talon of the Owl directly, Malkiira, going under the alias of Light Spear, is an accomplished operative, skilled in art of espionage. Young for a drow, Malkiira is far more mature than elves of her age, being practically raised as a human. Although only those in the Azure Owls know her as Malkiira, the name Light Spear has begun to circulate among the aristocrats, striking fear into possible whistle blowers who may leak information that the Owls use to sell to others.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Like all assassins in the Azure Owls, Malkiira was given the armored robes, a porcelain owl mask and a new alias 'Light Spear'. Slender like many elves, with pale blue skin and almost matching hair, Malkiira, with her bright red eyes, is noted as being attractive; however, as a drow and skilled assassin, many possible suitors are either too scared to approach her or simply do not know of her existence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Once a drow citizen in the city of Thantheas when she was very young, Malkiira was at the city during its destruction at the hands of the traitorous goddess Lolth, the Spider Queen, but was saved by the members of The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt., who eventually stopped the goddess. Losing her home, and being one of the few survivors of the city's destruction, Malkiira was later put in an orphanage in Kitzstadt, but, due to being a drow, suffered from a great deal of bullying, along with an inability to get adopted.   The bullying eventually worsened, and she found many of her possession had been stolen. Malkiira eventually learned to steal them back, along with enacting her revenge on those that had wronged her. Using her inherent drow magic, he developed the reputation as a troubled child, with many attributing this to her aging (mentally) too quickly, as elves should reach adulthood just before reaching the age of a hundred, but her rare gifts in drow magic, which had recently became a lot rarer with the destruction of Thantheas, eventually attracted the attention of the Azure Owls, who then put her in their employ as an assassin.
Date of Birth
44th of Alcelle
Year of Birth
355 ADE 127 Years old
Pale blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue

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