Ollorim Daine Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Ollorim Daine

Sergeant Ollorim Daine

"We are the true children of Alderhardt!" - Ollorim.
A long time half orc friend of The Demon Knight , Grigor, Ollorim is Sergeant in the ranks of the The Knights of Alderhardt, and acts as both Grigor's second in command, as well as the successor to Grigor as the Demon Knight should he die or retire. Ollorim is well respected, skilled, and, much like his childhood friend, earned his current rank due to his skill and martial knowledge and, as he essentially started out as a commoner, is well liked amongst most of the populous. Noted for also being a commander that has lead many raids against the yuan-ti of Oshal, on the surface, not a lot seems to be wrong with Ollorim, making him the near perfect commander that the Knights of Alderhardt often search for.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Tall, wide and muscular, appearing more orcish than human, Ollorim, especially when clad in the plate armor of the Knights of Alderhardt, appears as an imposing warrior, towering over his mainly human compatriots. Despite his orcish appearance, Ollorim does his best to often look presentable, due to his status, putting his hair in a neat ponytail, as well as keeping his armor as clean as he can when not between battles.
Date of Birth
18th of Imnis
Year of Birth
429 ADE 53 Years old
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green
Aligned Organization

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