Queen Elessia Vess Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Queen Elessia Vess

(a.k.a. Ruler of the The Ithryl Woods)

Born as the oldest child of the prior ruler, Elessia Vess is the current queen of The Ithryl Woods, being crowned in the last two decades. Elessia is noted for being a far more stern ruler than many of Ithryl Woods' monarchs before her; however, many have stated that she is exactly what the country needs, given how difficult it has been for all elves throughout The Continent. Also unlike many other prior rulers, she is not considered a great mage, nor a skilled warrior, but is instead noted to have a silver tongue, making her quite the diplomat.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Becoming Queen

Like the kings and queens before her, Elessia took over from her father before his death, with him still being alive to this day. It is said that the elves, at least according to the residents of The Ithryl Woods, have two death, a physical death, when your soul leaves your body, and the death of the mind, where one has seen so much that they are unable to think the way they once could, being on the edge of insanity or mental collapse. Because of this, a ruler will give up the throne, giving it to their eldest child, when they reach an elderly age, in the hopes that their retirement will delay the death of their mind and help them recover from the stress of the throne.  

Wise, even in Youth

Despite not being on the throne very long, at least relative to elven rulers, Elessia is most known for aiding the wood elf refugees from The Golden Forest, mere weeks after her coronation, as well as aid in the forging of an alliance between the eladrin of Ellhesari and the drow of Avalencia. With the rumour spreading that many of the elves of The Continent are leaving to reside in the Feywild instead, another rumour is spreading in tandem, which would be the possible marriage of Elessia and King Rotholian Glyn, ruler of Ellhesari.
Date of Birth
31st of Olarion
Year of Birth
300 ADE 182 Years old

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