Sivri Downgardt Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Sivri Downgardt

The Traitor of the Ghosts

Although Caius Vendel is known for being the last bloodhunter, Sivri Downgardt is, biologically, a surviving bloodhunter, but has been relinquished of that title ever since her assassination of the King of Alderhardt, which later led to The Bloodhunter Purge. Skilled, and still maintaining the powers and knowledge she had when she was a bloodhunter, Sivri has been able to keep her whereabouts largely unknown, with many believing that she had actually died in the Bloodhunter Purge.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Undergoing additional rituals in order to have the radiant powers of the hunters of the Guild of the Nightwalker, Sivri, unlike bloodhunters of other schools, has blue eyes, with a seemingly black rim around the iris. Her ashen, blonde hair is braided on the left side to show her Valkan roots, which drapes over her scaled armor, covering her heavily tattooed skin.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in The Valkan Isles in one of the many new villages in the isle of Vilner, Sivri was one of the many that had their home constantly assaulted by the many dangerous monster that were native to the isles. Sivri, in particular, found herself at the mercy of a wraith that had killed her parents. She found herself saved by a bloodhunter of the Guild of the Wyvern, and was later taken to their headquarters in the north of the country of Alderhardt.   After undergoing the rituals and necessary training, Sivri was turned into a bloodhunter, and lived as one for over a decade. One day, she was offered a contract to assassinate the King of Alderhardt, after it had got out that he had allowed a town of tieflings of be purged by the Blade of Elysium and his militia detail. A bloodhunter rule was that they do not actively assassinate people, as that could lead to them losing their political independence, but Sivri, having a strong sense of justice, accepted the contract, eventually killing the King.   After her master discovered this, a meeting of all of the bloodhunter was called, to decide Sivri's fate for betraying the rules set it place for centuries. The plan was to cure Sivri of the ritual, and send her to the new king so that she could be punished by the people that she had wronged. Instead of sending a liaison and accompanying escort to take Sivri, and army was sent, killing almost all of the bloodhunters. Sivri would escape in the confusion, but would be assumed dead.
Date of Birth
43rd of Coremin, 453ADE
Dark Blue
Ashen Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Myths

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