The Tragedy of Thantheas Myth in Aither | World Anvil
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The Tragedy of Thantheas

The Tragedy of Thantheas was a turning point for the drow, as it was only one of two major cities left within the drow's territory, resulting in the remaining population of the dark elves to essentially half. It is burned in recent memory to all elves, and is known for being one of the bloodiest massacres in the history of The Continent, with the very few survivors travelling to Avalencia as refugees.


The Tragedy of Thantheas occurred after the people of the city were betrayed by their patron goddess, Lolth, the Spider Queen. She demanded that they opened the Planes Gate in the city, creating a portal to the Shadowfell. They were told that they would be one with the shadow-kai, their ancestors, receiving greater power to turn the tides in their battle against the horrors of the Underdark. Instead, Lolth sent in her forces, massacring the people of the city and using their souls to gain greater power. The Gauntlet of Kitzstadt. arrived at the city during this time and, with the help of Yezra Crescenthart, managed to destroy the Planes Gate, allowing those that hadn't been killed yet to flee.   Some time later, The Gauntlet were hired by the drow to return to the ruins, slaying any of the creatures that were left in the Material Plane. Ever since then, the city has been sealed off, with there being no solution for the left over residue of twisted, arcane energy that seemed to infect the area. Not all who originally ventured returned, with Yezra being trapped in the Shadowfell after the Planes Gate was destroyed, being forced to stay on the other side to hold back the Spider Queen.

Cultural Reception

The drow see the entire event as one of the greatest betrayals in their history, with their entire religion shifting to shun the Spider Queen, Lolth, and solely focusing on the worship of Avalore, the Goddess of Death (more commonly known as the Raven Queen). It has also led to the drow to be seen as in their weakest state, given how much of their population has dwindled as a result, leading to many other races to take advantage, with the dwarves of The Kathoid Range entirely blocking off the citizens of Avalencia, leaving them to the whims of the Underdark monstrosities.   For many other societies, they see it as evidence for the many failures of the drow and their way of life, as their lack of alliances has led to them being in the state that they are in now. Many have decided to turn their backs on the subterranean elves, leaving them to their fate, given have they shunned all others, but the eladrin were the ones to come to their aid after these events, accepting them into the Great Elven Alliance.
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