Usprung Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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A relatively new village of Alderhardt, close to the city of Dunport, Usprung is known for its population being made up of humans of Nashuto descent, choosing to stay in the village to maintain their own culture and tradition, rather than integrate it into a pre-existing society, which many of the Nashuto that reside in The Tirmari Archipelago have had to do.    It is one of the smaller village in Alderhardt, having a population of only a couple hundred, who are exclusively Nashuto in heritage. One would expect that this would mean that they would allow outsiders to enter; however, this is far from the case. The people of Usprung are always welcoming of outsiders, wanting more to learn about the history and heritage of their now dead society, keeping its memory alive through their grand, sweeping stories.   The architecture of the village is very much representative of what old, Nashuto villages that would have been around in The Cursed Isles back in their heyday, albeit made from slightly different materials because of how different the geography is compared to their original home. The area has become quite the tourist destination because of this, with it being entirely unique in the lands of Alderhardt, causing much of the people in the village at a given time to be largely made up of tourists.
Founding Date
Roughly 2000
Owning Organization

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