Dunport Settlement in Aither | World Anvil
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Being the main city of trade from Zafeíri of The Tirmari Archipelago and Port Dawnfall of Knaeva, Dunport is an affluent Alderhardt settlement located along the south coast of the Continent. Due to its relatively southern location, in comparison to much of Alderhardt, Dunport is considered almost exotic, being much warmer and allowing for more colourful plant life throughout the city.   Visually, Dunport is not much different in architectural design to the city of Strale, with many of the buildings sporting red, tiled roofs and white, marble bricks. The city itself is not particularly large, especially in comparison to Strale, Kitzstadt or Strobenheim, but it is densely packed, with much of the outside of the city being surrounded with the larger buildings of the city, along with a high, protective wall. Much of the inner sections of the city consist of the markets and residential areas. Much of coast line that is within the city's boundaries is taken up by a large harbour, with ships going in and out constantly.

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