Xiuying Jiang Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Xiuying Jiang

Xiuying Jiang was once the local huntress of Usprung, being of Nashuto heritage; however, ever since being a captive of the yuan-ti of Oshal, Xiuying found herself unable to return to her old, quiet life, leaving the village with her brother to strive for a life of greater adventure. The two of them became wanders, determined to see the world outside of their village, as well as gain greater power, hoping to never have to go through what they had once went through before. The two made a fair name for themselves, marketing themselves as the 'Jiang Twins' in order to more easily find employment, despite not being twins, with Xiuying being the younger sibling.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised in Peace

Xiuying's childhood was a rather uneventful one. Her mother was the huntress of her village, so Xuiying trained to be her successor, as was to be expected. Xiuying always had a sense of wanderlust because of this, wanted to constantly train her archery to become a warrior of the village, like her elder brother, Kong. The warriors had little more to do than the huntresses, but they did travel a far bit more from the village, occasionally responding to some provocations from bandits outside of the village's territory. Hoping to prove herself, Xiuying travelled out of the bounds of the village on a hunt, hoping to come back with something worthy enough to make her a warrior, with her brother trailing to keep an eye on her. Instead, she walked into a yuan-ti ambush, with both her and her brother eventually being captured after a short skirmish.    

Matured in Anguish

Both Xiuying and Kong were made slaves of yuan-ti, held within the slave camp of Ad-Durat for a couple of years. During this time, Xiuying tried to stand up to her slavers, only for her brother to have to step in to protect her, causing his face to be deeply scarred and his tongue cut out. After being freed by The Sentinels of Knaeva, the two returned home, only to find that, after all the pain and suffering they went through, they found themselves unable to stay in their village any longer, choosing to travel instead.
Date of Birth
13th of Corrien
Year of Birth
462 ADE 20 Years old

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