Kong Jiang Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Kong Jiang

One of the 'Jiang Twins' as well as being known as the 'Nashuto Demon', Kong Jiang was once a warrior of the village of Usprung, but, after being horribly disfigured at the hands of the yuan-ti, during his time as one of their many captives, he decided that he could no longer stay at home, especially because he lost the ability to speak. Because of this, he now accompanies his younger sister, Xiuying Jiang as the two travel Alderhardt in the hopes of both seeing the world that could have missed out on, as well as grow in power so that they wouldn't suffer at the hands of an enemy ever again.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised in Tradition

Kong was always going to be a warrior of his village, believing that nothing was more important than sticking to the traditions of his people. His parents were strict with him, due to being the first born son of the family, causing him to feel responsible for his much more brash younger sister. He was noted as being very skilled in the traditional forms of combat, despite his age, often being deployed to deal with any threats from bandits. Kong lacked his sister's wanderlust; however, he understood her want to prove herself. He also understood that it could lead to into danger. His hunch proved to be correct after she left the boundaries of the village, where he would follow in order to make sure she was safe. The two of them would find themselves being captured by the yuan-ti of Oshal, being taken as slaves in the camp of Ad-Durat.  

Scarred in a Foreign Land

The years of slavery were not kind to Kong. He did all he could to keep his sister as safe as she could reasonably be, often taking punishments on her behalf. By the time he was liberated from the slave camp by The Sentinels of Knaeva, his face had been heavily scarred and his tongue cut out. Ever since then, he has been wearing a mask of Nashuto demon, unable to show his now deformed face in public, which, along with his silence, has led to him being quite the imposing figure. Although this was never his intention, this intimidation factor has led to the duo of him and his sister avoiding many encounters that could have easily ended up as bloody fights.
Date of Birth
22nd of Lyntel
Year of Birth
457 ADE 25 Years old

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