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100% Half-Elf.


Aryvandaar is governed by a single family, the Starflowers (Amastacia in elvish), who were one of the founding families of the village. The head of the family makes decisions which affect the village as a whole, however all decisions are brought to council with the village before they are enacted. For smaller matters, families are trusted to resolve these themselves.   The village has a set of laws, which all citizens follow, punishment for breaking these depends on the severity of the crime committed, but can range from fines and labour to banishment and, if necessary, execution.   Villages Laws:   1) Do not harm your fellow man/woman*.   2) Do not steal.   3) Protect the knowledge and location of Aryvandaar from outsiders.   4) Come to the aid of your fellow man/woman when called upon.   5) Take part in all council meetings with the Amastacia family and respect the decisions made in these meetings.   *Fellow man/woman refers to resident of Aryvandaar and visitors welcomed by the Amastacia family.


Aryvandaar is a completely self-sufficient community. The village has access to all basic amenities and the means to use them. Various crops are grown in dedicated land, a lumbermill produces all necessary woodwork, a forge is set up in the center of the village (as far away from the tree line as possible) and all meat and fish can be hunted or caught from the forest and neighbouring lake.   The townsfolk do not exchange gold regularly, as there is no need for it in such a closed community. Instead, goods and services are traded with one another.   Amastacia Family Home: three floors, large open plan bottom floor with two balconies. Similar to Brighton Uni Room.


Because of the village's location, resources are few and far between and storing anything is difficult. Therefore, recycling any possible materials is an important part of Aryvandaarian life. Old timber is repurposed, food waste is composted and damaged cloth is mended. All residents are brought up with the mindset of producing as little waste a possible as part of village life.

Guilds and Factions

Melora's Conclave: On rare occasion, members of the conclave who travel to research the nearby Sanerekvaarn and Mormhaor have been given temporary residence in the village. Only half-elven members would be extended this kindness, however the village has not yet come into contact with non-half-elven members. Those who do stay only do for a couple of days at most and are among the few outsiders who both know the village's location and have the expertise to find it.   The Knights of Valor: Occasionally, members of The Knights of Valor have been known to stay at The Drunken Huntsmen and venture into the woods when dangerous creatures roam too far from Mormhaor. The knights have never been approached, nor do they know about the village and it's inhabitancy.


Originally built over 300 years ago, the settlement was constructed by a group of half-elf families who wished to follow more in the footsteps of their elven decedents by living detached from civilisation and becoming closer to nature. Originally named Vandorholme (meaning ‘forest haven’ in elvish), the village started small, with no more than a small handful of buildings being constructed by the original inhabitants, but over the years the community has grown to a healthy size, sporting a couple hundred buildings with cultivated farmland and facilities in the now expanded clearing.   In light of this recent growth, the settlement was renamed Aryvandaar (meaning 'Noble Woodland Home' in elvish). It's people continue to be dedicated to living alongside the forest, maintaining the balance between their lifestyle and the natural world around them, in keeping with the elves which they took inspiration from.


Very few people know of Aryvandaar's location in the wood. As a result, no one visits, however the local people from Beacon, Keth and The Drunken Huntsman all know of the village's existence, if only through legend. Occasionally, an explorer may venture into The Timberland Woods in order to try and find it, but none have been successful. It appears the only way to find the settlement is to be directed by one of it's inhabitance.


Timber is the primary building material in the village. Those in charge with acquiring the wood have a very strict policy of only taking what is needed and recycling materials wherever possible. If trees in the forest ever need to be felled for building materials, great care is taken to relocate any animals to a neighbouring location and other trees are cultivated in order to replace it.


Aryvandaar is situated in the western portion of The Timberland Wood. It is based in a large clearing which was created when the settlement was first founded, surrounded by the variety of deciduous tress which makes up the forest. Among the various buildings are areas of cultivated farmland, growing a mix of crops.   A single path cuts through the foliage from the village and descends the slopes to the waters of Aluteuivae, although this is difficult to find to those who do not know it exists.


  • Aryvandaar

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