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100% Undead.


Despite being little more than a ruin, Mormhaor's buildings are for the most part in tact. The once-busy streets can still be made out between the remains of the various houses and businesses which lined them.   In the south-west, the remains of the town's farm can be found, with multiple barren fields and a stable surrounding a large windmill.   In the south-east, atop a small hill overlooking the town, is what remains of a large manor house which likely belonged to the last ruler of the town.   The north-east of the town houses the original port, which remains functional. surrounding it would have been a large market area which now stands empty.   Finally, in the centre of the town, sits the remains of a large church of Melora. It's iconography has decayed over the years, leaving the identity of to whom it was dedicated to a mystery. heading away from the church's front doors eastwards is a long path which eventually cuts into the forest, leading towards the town's cemetery.   Layout of the church: Similar to Dereham Baptist Church.

Guilds and Factions

Melora's Conclave: The town was the original home of the founders of the group, however knowledge of this has faded outside of those within the conclave.


Mormhaor was not always the ruin it is today. Many years ago, before the events of The Confluence, it was a thriving village in the heart of a, then, very young forest. It had access to good, arable land and fresh water from the neighbouring river and lake. The people of this town, most of which were human, lived a good and honest life in balance with nature here. Very similar to how the people of Aryvandaar do today.   During The Confluence, Dolfield, as it was originally named, was home to the founders of Melora's Conclave, and most of it's inhabitancy were also devout followers. When war struck and the balance of nature was threatened across the continent, the townsfolk knew they had to take an active role in preventing this as much as they could, and so they left the town. After the events of The Confluence, the original townsfolk had either died or were now scattered across the continent and so created new lives for themselves where they had settled. This left Dolfield a ghost town, empty, in ruin and open to any who would seek to claim it.   In recent years it's original name has been forgotten, but the half-elves of Aryvandaar have taken to calling it Mormhaor (meaning 'Corrupted Dead' in elvish) in light of the presence of the undead which now plague the area.   Recently, the undead being created by the necromancer Morothos and his cleric ally Sylvalor here were pushed out by a group of adventurers, finally bring peace to the area.


Occasionally, when undead from the town make it to the outer reaches of the forest, brave hunters and adventurers will travel from The Drunken Huntsman to explore the forest, hoping to find where they might be coming from. Very few manage to make it all the way to the town and none who do survive the journey home.


The buildings are made from a mix of timber and stone from the local area. It's iconic blue roof tiles are all created from gault (clay) found at the bottom of the Aluteuivae.   Because of the neglect the town has seen over the last few hundred years, all of the buildings are in varying states of disrepair and are very fragile.


  • Mormhaor
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