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45% Genasi (90% Fire, 10% Earth), 25% Tiefling, 20% Dwarf, 5% Human, 5% Other.   85% Working Class, 14% Middle Class, 1% Upper Class.


The city is run as an autocracy, controlled by Grand Vizier Marrake VI. He holds complete power, but does delegate certain responsibilities to other officials. These officials are:
  • General Darz. A female Hobgoblin, she oversees all military action and law enforcement, and judicial matters in the city.
  • Arcanist Morthos. A tiefling Wizard, he oversees all matters related to the arcane in the city, is the foremost adviser to Marrake VI and runs the city's apothecary and enchanted item shop from his tower.
  • Ulfgar Hammerstone. A duergar geomancer, he maintains the structural integrity of the city's defences and conducts research across the Auchendow province to ensure the safety of the city.
The Grand Vizier does not recognise the rule of the High King in Easthaven and acts as an entirely separate nation against the laws set out by the capital.   City Laws:
  • The city's ruler owns everything within the walls, including you.
  • Speech or written word against Marrake VI will not be tolerated.
  • A strict curfew of sunset to sunrise is enforced.
  • You belong to a social tier determined on your occupation, know your place and do not overstep the mark to those superior to you.
  • Marrake VI is entitled to 10% of all profit from trade and sales.
  • Undead minions are allowed within the city walls, provided they can be controlled.
  • All citizens have the right to a trial by combat and may select a proxy to fight on their behalf.
  • Punishment for breaking these laws include: heavy fines, hard labour, slavery and public execution.


The city boasts a military force of 1,500 soldiers (40% Earth Genasi, 35% Fire Genasi, 15% Dwarf, 10% Tiefling). Their duties consist of: securing the city walls, patrolling the streets, investigating crimes and enforcing the law.   During the curfew, these soldiers patrol both the lower and upper tiers of the city.   Furthermore, the royal palace is protected by a further 80 Fire Elemental Myrmidon, known and the flaming legion, who are loyal only to their creator, Marrake VI.   The towers located on the norther-outer wall are each equipped with large ballista which shoot out of large arrow slits, as well as catapults at the tops. The ballista and catapults are able to launch flaming arrows and boulders towards any hostile force.

Industry & Trade

Auchendow is very isolated from the rest of the continent. As such, it has become very self sufficient, even in the harsh environment. That said, the city does still engage in trade via the harbour in Portstoke. Most good bought here are sold in the market square. The city also exports obsidian this way however due to the rarity of this material, prices are usual very high when it reaches other cities.


The city is divided into two tiers: The lower tier, where most of the population can be found; and the upper tier, where the more affluent live. The royal palace can also be found on this upper tier. Citizens are assigned a tier of living based on their occupation in the city. For example, slaves, miners and shopkeepers live on the lower tier, whereas soldiers, civil servants and officials live on the upper tier.   All places of commerce are found on the lower tier, the upper tier purely consists of housing, in order to keep the 'rabble' away from the palace.   Rock Bottom (Southern-Lower Tier). Tavern/Inn (Poor) - The primary watering hole in the city. The tavern is popular with most people in the city for it's decent food and drink and reasonable prices. It is run by the earth genasi Garnet, whose family have lived in the city and run the tavern since The Confluence ended.   The Naughty Nymph (Eastern-Lower Tier). Tavern/Inn (Standard) - This high-end tavern was constructed by The Scarlet Bards who moved to the city early on in the guild history. On face value, this tavern appears fairly innocuous, however it contains a secondary business which not many citizens know about. The lower levels of the tavern house a brothel, which to this day still run by The Scarlett Bards. The taverns owner, a tiefling by the name of Clarity, keeps the knowledge of the brothel to those who she trusts and her loyal patrons, in order to protect those who work there from more unsavoury character which live in the city.   The Crimson Chord (Western-Lower Tier). Tavern/Inn (Rich) - This high-end tavern was constructed by The Scarlet Bards who moved to the city early on in the guild history. To this day, the halfling owner Bree Goodbarrel still affiliates herself with the guild, as do most of the in-house performers. The majority of the clientele come from the upper tier and visit for the incredible entertainment the tavern puts on every night.   The Black Anvil (Eastern-Lower Tier). Blacksmith (Standard) - An open-air blacksmith and armoury run by the earth genasi Loam. The pieces produced here are honest and functional, however Loam is often out-shown by his competitor for his ability to work with obsidian. In order to compete, prices here tend to be slightly cheaper.   Crystal Cuts (Western-Lower Tier). Blacksmith (Rich) - Owned and run by the dwarf Gilthur Eversharp, this blacksmith produces high quality pieces for those who are able to pay. Gilthur is also one of the few in the city who is proficient enough with working with obsidian to able to incorporate it into the armaments the creates. The forge itself is one of the nicest building in the lower tier, rivalling the construction seen in the upper tier.   Temple of Erathis (North-Western-Lower Tier). The Temple of Earthis is one of the largest buildings in the city. Organised worship here is expected by all citizens and each household is assigned a day which they can visit to avoid overcrowding. The Temple is watched over by the archbishop Kemal Firestrider.   Auchendow Barracks (North-Eastern-Lower Tier). The barracks is a large, multi-purposed structure, only overshadowed by the royal palace and temple of Erathis. It acts as a home to all lower-ranked soldiers (higher-ranked soldiers and their families have homes in the upper tier), a training ground for new recruits, a prison for temporally holding criminals before sentencing, and a place of worship to Bane, the god which all members of the guard and their families worship. The barracks also welcomes visitors from the Steel Brotherhood who come to worship the god of war and conquest.   The Market Square (Northern-Lower Tier). This market is located a short walk from the northern gates of the city. Many people come here to sell their wears, either those produced in the city or imported from the nearby settlements. Citizens require a permit in order to sell goods here and the schedule for who can sell where and when is well-enforced. The square is also the location which public executions are held.   Morthos' Apothecary and Trinket Establishment (Southern-Middle Tier). Located at the base of Morthos' tower, this shop is the primary seller of potions and magic items in the city. The tower and shop are clad in the same alloy which the walls of the city are made from and have the same reddish glow coming from their base, despite the lack of a heat source causing this. The remainder of the tower continues up for many floor, eventually rising above the height of the outer wall, only being dwarfed by the royal palace itself. The contents of these other floors remains unknown to all but Morthos. The tower is also the only structure in the city to sit on a outcrop between the lower and middle tiers, symbolising Mothros' detachment from the rest of the Auchendow society.


Marrake VI is a very wealthy man. As a result, the city has accrued a vast sum of gold which is stored deep in the vaults of the royal palace.

Guilds and Factions

The Steel Brotherhood. The brotherhood has a has in the south-eastern portion of the lower tier. Most member who reside here have lived within the city their entire life. The guild is primarily utilised as personal security for wealthy families, however they are also called upon by citizens to act as proxies for trails by combat or to settle disputes between arguing families.   The Curators of Corellon. The artisan guild do not have an official headquarters in the city, however some of its most prolific citizens are members. Gilthur Eversharp of Crystal Cuts is the most prolific member in the city, however other members can be found at the market square selling trinkets carved from obsidian.   The Scarlet Bards. The guild runs two taverns in the city: The Naughty Nymph, which houses a brothel; and The Crimson Chord, which is famous for it's performances. Some of the guild's oldest and most famous members work in these establishments as they have been a fixture in Auchendow for many years. Auchendow was the first city the guild expanded into from Stanrigg and even the guild's Matron herself visits regularly.   The Silver Hand. The thieves guild has a light presence in the city, however due to the severity of the law enforcement it is difficult for the guild to conduct any business. Any actions the guild take are carefully thought out and impeccably planned in order to avoid a run in with the law. This is the only city which the guild is afraid to do business. That said, members are posted here, living life ordinary citizens observing any dealing which the guild could benefit from, be it monetary or political.   The Shadowmasters. The Shadowmaters presence is strong in the city. Most citizens know of their existence, however very few will discuss them openly. The understanding of the common citizen is that the guild runs as an alternative to the Steel Brotherhood for those who wish to have their problems dealt with more discretely. Rumours often circulate around the upper tier of families procuring their services to move up the social ladder and gain more wealth and power. Like the Silver Hand, the guild has no formal base, but members are scattered around the city and should someone be looking for their services, it does not take long for a guild member to find out and contact them directly.


The city was built in the later parts of The Confluence, when the efreeti journeyed to the material plane following the fire plane's defeat of their earthen counterparts in the region. The province was a complete wasteland, surrounded by erupting volcanos, and the efreeti decided this would be the perfect place to build their first bastion on the continent.   Originally named New Marrake (after the sultan of the Efreet), citizens of Concordia who were captured by the fire plane's forces during the course of The Confluence were sent to the city to become slaves who would eventually be transported back to the City of Brass.   After The Confluence's abrupt end, with the efreet and their forces gone from the city, many returned back to their homes across Concordia. However, as more and more genasi were born into the world and the stigma against them grew, the city became a refuge for all those trying the avoid persecution. The city, for the same reason, became popular with tieflings across Concordia at this time.   The ruler of the city (the genasi son of the Sultan) renamed the city Auchendow, signifying a new time in history for his city. Since then, the rule of the city has past through multiple generations, with each successive ruler tightening their grip on the people who call the city home. Some families who moved to the city in it's earliest days remain trapped here under it's oppressive laws.


All building are made of stone, with very little timber being used. Building in the lower tier are small and tightly packed whereas those in the upper tier are noticeably larger, more ornate and come with more land. The walls of the city and royal palace are dark and foreboding, constructed from a combination of stone, metal and obsidian. A red glow can be found at their base due to the head permeating from the lava surrounding the city.


A large moat of lava surround the city. the only way to cross this is by the bridges in the north and south. The moat is fed from rivers originating in the cinder peaks, both in the east and west of the province, meaning it is impossible to travel across the province without travelling through the city.


  • Auchendow

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