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Caesindaar's Lair

Localized Phenomena

Caesindaar's Hoard.
  • Money. 4,200 Copper Pieces, 14,000 Silver Pieces, 28,000 Gold Pieces, currency
  • Mundane Items. The skull of a green abishai, a crude flute with a pleasing sound, an ancient map of The Virescent Canopy, a poem written about Caesindaar, an ancient painting of Caesindaar's Lair as seen from The Managerie Hills, a funerary ern containing unknown remains and a set of 7 candlesticks, each bearing the symbol of Moradin, the Allhammer.
  • beryl
  • figurines, akin to those seen surrounding the lair (250GP), a polished statue of a unicorn, latticed with luminescent blooms (250G), an elaborate necklace of yuan-ti origin, set with gleaming gems and dripping with strands of pearls (750GP), a giant-sized hunting horn scrimshawed with elaborate patterns, the pewter is only slightly tarnished (250GP), a stained glass window still set within a fragment of wall depicting the death of an elf monarch (750GP).
  • Magic Items. Nozlur's Marvellous Pigments (2 bottles), Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Potion of Flying, Spell Scroll (Symbol).
Hoard Magic Item.
  • Dragon's Wrath Warhammer (Wakened)
  • Requires Attunement.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made using this weapon. On a hit, the weapon deals an extra 2D6 poison damage.
  • Whenever you roll a 20 on your attack roll with this weapon, each creature of your choice within 5 feet of the target takes 5 poison damage.
  • As an action, you can unleash a 30-foot cone of destructive energy from this weapon. Each creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 8D6 poison damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one. Once this action is used, it can't be used again until next dawn.
  • This warhammer is embellished with a metallic-green dragon's head with the polished-silver face of the hammer protruding from its open mouth. Large, silver spines extend outward from the head, forming reverse-facing spikes and bident-like prongs. The head specifically resembles the adult green dragon, Caesindaar.
Hoard Item Draconic Quirk.
  • The warhammer's bearer has advantage of Charisma (intimidation) checks against non-dragons.
Hoard Item Regional Effects.
  • Attract Animals. Tiny animals are irresistibly attracted to the warhammer and contently try to take it.
  • Verdant Influence. If the warhammer is push at least 1 foot into soil, it encourages lush plant growth.
These regional effects last 6 months from the point at which the item was removed from the hoard.
Cave System
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