Basil Family


Gaemon Basil  - a Eltoris banking excutive   Terry Basil - a Starbrook banking executive   Quinn Basil - a senator and sewer manager   Barry Barry  - a low level cop   Seven Basil  - an unsuccessful bard who is now stealing to get along   Skeeter Basil  - a man with 27 children, he will sleep with anything, keeps talking about how hot Octavia is, his cousin   Billy Basil  - a successful bard who doesnt talk to the rest of the family, came to sing a song and as a favor to the Consul of Bliznia Gaius Basil , this will clear him of his debt   Gaius Basil   Octavia Basil
Ormund Basil - an ancestor of Gaius Basil 

Known History

  Ormund Basil took the city witha group a very long time ago. In CAMP Year One Gaius Basil is Consul, and his daughter Octavia Basil is a Senator.   During CAMP Year Two he officates the The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil and turns into a Devil. The students rob his place later on. 
He is arrested at the end of the Bliznian Civil War . Octavia Basil becomes Consul.


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