Octavia Basil


Daughter of Gaius Basil   Member of the Basil Family   Once Married to Percival Bloom   Had hook up relationship with Theo Atzetari   Once a Devil sworn to Baalzebul .  

Known History

  She was elected to the Senate of Bliznia prior to CAMP Year One . At some point she took Baalzebul as a patron.
During CAMP Year One she meets Theo Atzetari and begins a realtionship. She also is bethrothed to Percival Bloom .
During CAMP Year Two she is married at The Wedding of Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil and then turns into a full devil. She regrets this and helps Theo Atzetari and the students of College for Adventurers at Minos Point in the lead up to the Bliznian Civil War .   In the aftermath of the war, she agrees to a deal and turns over Percy's allies, she remains in the senate and eventually forms a new party and coalition and becomes Consul of Bliznia .
By the begining of CAMP Year Three she is the new Consul of Bliznia .


Octavia Basil is a significant character with connections to the political and power structures in Bliznia . She is the daughter of Gaius Basil , the Consul of Bliznia , and is known for her ambition and influence within the city. Octavia is deeply involved in the city's political machinations, and her marriage to Percival Bloom  played a crucial role in the power dynamics of Bliznia.
Her marriage to Percival was not entirely of her choosing, as it was influenced by deals made by her father, Gaius Basil. After the wedding, Octavia and Percival were crowned, but the marriage also marked their transformation into devils, solidifying their roles in Bliznia's dark political landscape. Both becoming pacted to Baalzebul .
  Octavia's story is marked by her struggle with the expectations placed on her by her father and her eventual involvement in a devilish pact, which has significant repercussions for the city and its governance. Despite the transformation, she is a complex character who navigates the treacherous political waters of Bliznia with both cunning and a sense of duty to her family.
At the end of CAMP Year Two she remains in the Senate, and bids to become the next Consul of Bliznia . An election she wins by CAMP Year Three .


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