Bliznia High School


The main public highschool in Bliznia .
It has its own branch of Beings from Below Against Being Below .   Rival school of College for Adventurers at Minos Point .      

Notable Students



Bliznia High School is more of a standard academic institution when compared to @College for Adventurers at Minos Point with students who might aspire to different professions. However, due to the proximity and rivalry, it's still caught up in the broader issues affecting the city, such as the rise in crime and the influence of gangs like the East Side Cobras .
Bliznia High has the charm of an old castle blended with the energy of a bustling city hub. Its stone walls, lined with ivy, hint at a rich history, while modern magical accents glow subtly in the hallways. Inside, enchanted banners hang from the rafters, representing the various guilds and sports teams. The vibe is a mix of academic rigor and adventurous spirit, with students mastering both general education and magical arts. Training arenas, spell practice courts, and traditional classrooms coexist, emphasizing both fantasy and practical skills.

Many students are caught in the middile of the Bliznian Civil War and fight on either side, though most side with the insurgents and rebels.   


The rivalry between CAMP and Bliznia High School often plays out through competitive events like sports or academic challenges. Battleball, for instance, might be a key competition where tensions between the schools surface. Additionally, social and political allegiances, as well as family connections, sometimes fuel animosity between students of the two institutions.


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