East Side Cobras


An once criminal, now community organization in Bliznia   Once lead by Ulrich Atzetari , the lead by Hurts, now lead by Theo Atzetari .   They operate out of the The Snake Pit,   Their minor unit operates out of the Boys and Girls Club of Bliznia   At the end of CAMP Year Two the group is reorganized into a community group by Theo Atzetari , following the events of Bliznian Civil War .   They also operate the Cobras' Stage which was orginally the name for a stage at the Snake Pitt, but later its own location near the orginal venue.   They own and operate Cobraframe Constructors .   Between CAMP Year Two and CAMP Year Three . The group has contracted with the Constable of Bliznia to serve as additional security within Bliznia .            

Known History

  They have existed in Bliznia for an unknown amount of time.   Ulrich Atzetari took over as Cobra King when he was just a teenager, and ruled for decades.
He helped Bhumi Kaowtor and his friend Stellio Copperfield cover up the murder of Nataal Sairoisi securing them leverage over the College for Adventurers at Minos Point for years to come.
During CAMP Year One they are are slowly uncovered by the students, eventually Theo Atzetari and Folantis Pluma become main members of the story, while being members of the club. At the end of the year when Ulrich Atzetari leaves town, and Theo Atzetari leaves the club, Hurts comes to power.
Hurts early rule sees the rise of the Reptilians , and the start of a cold war between them. This eventually contributes to Bliznian Civil War in CAMP Year Two where the East Side Cobras s are almost destroyed, and eventually reformed into a positive community organization.
Under Theo’s leadership, the East Side Cobras have evolved from a more rough-edged organization into a force for positive change in Bliznia. With a new focus on legitimacy, they’ve become involved in city beautification projects, taking on construction work and courier services to establish a stronger presence in the community. As the city's criminal activity rises due to the escaped villains, the Cobras have taken up roles as guards, working alongside the Constable of Bliznia  to help maintain peace and protect the people from further chaos. This shift shows their desire to move away from their past while still leveraging their street skills and networks to benefit the city.      

Current Members:


Prior Members:


Notes - Season 2

  Cobra King – Hurts VP – Pomegranate   SGT at Arms – Shotput   Cobra Princess – Toots   June Nymerios = she handles the protection money and bribes form the senators, protected by her two guards Zep and Helwi   Venom - he handles the protection monry ftom the shops


Hurts = Champoin   Apricot = Assassin   Wolfman = Blood Hunter   Nomad = Doric   Jennetty = Edgin   Boysen = Ghald   Crab Apple = Bone Knight   Maverik = Razerblast   June Nymerios - June Nymerios she handles the protection money and bribes form the senators, protected by her two guards Zep and Helwi for the East Side Cobras   Zep Orag

  Helwi Blackford

End of CAMP Year Two Long Summery

The Cobras are a notorious and influential criminal gang operating in Bliznia , playing a significant role throughout the series. Known for their ruthless efficiency and strategic cunning, the Cobras are deeply entrenched in the city’s underworld, engaging in a wide range of illicit activities, including smuggling, extortion, and other criminal enterprises. Their power and influence extend into the political and social dynamics of Bliznea, making them a formidable force that both allies and adversaries must contend with.
The gang is organized under a loose hierarchy, led by the Cobra King , a title held by different figures over time. The leadership of the Cobras is marked by both internal loyalty and intense power struggles, with key figures, playing crucial roles in the gang’s evolution. Theo's rise within the ranks of the Cobras marks a significant turning point, as he attempts to reform the gang from a purely criminal organization into a paramilitary force with a more noble purpose.
  Throughout their history, the Cobras are embroiled in various conflicts, both internal and external. A major storyline involves their war with the Reptilians , a rival gang of Dragonborns. This rivalry escalates into a violent power struggle that threatens to tear Bliznia apart. The Cobras' involvement in this war highlights the gang's ability to influence and shape the broader conflicts within the city.
  However, the Cobras are not immune to betrayal from within. Internal tensions and power struggles lead to significant turmoil, with members like Toots betraying the gang, sparking investigations and trials that further destabilize the organization. These betrayals test the loyalty and strength of the Cobras, forcing them to confront the challenges of maintaining power and unity in a time of chaos.
  As the series progresses, the Cobras become deeply involved in the insurgency against the devils and the corrupt rulers of Bliznea. This involvement is a critical part of their narrative arc, as they transition from a feared criminal organization to a reformed force fighting for a greater cause. Theo's leadership is central to this transformation, as he leads the Cobras in the final battle to save Bliznea from destruction.
  Overall, the Cobras are a complex and multifaceted group, representing the darker, more chaotic side of Bliznea’s society. Their evolution, power struggles, and involvement in key conflicts make them a central force in the series, influencing the fate of Bliznea and its inhabitants.


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