CAMP Session 64

A part of CAMP
Within CAMP Year Two
    CAMP Session 64 |
Heist Entry Points:
1. Garden Entrance: Heagwin Helstain scopes it out. He sees a hallway and a chemistry setup inside, with young human women watering flowers using wands. The area is not heavily guarded, making it the best option for sneaking in.
2. Train Tracks: Folantis Pluma checks this out. There’s a sloped ramp leading to a garage. Folantis gets caught and has to fly off. The best approach here would be to hop onto a train coming through, but it’s not very promising.
3. Front Entrance (Formal): Cila Colkyre attempts to scout the front entrance. She ends up spending the whole time talking politics and forgets to check the area properly. It’s funny but not useful for the heist.
4. Side Entrance (Casual): Murium checks this one out. The double doors open into the house, likely a staff entrance. He suggests going in disguised as staff but notes that you need a staff ID to get in. Murium actually manages to get in and grabs a butler and maid costume.
5. Secret Passageway: Theo explores a possible secret passageway. The pathway is dilapidated with an 8-foot wall by a mountain. Odd moss grows near the train tracks. The entrance is sealed by unnatural stone, but Theo thinks it might be the best stealth option.
Heist Planning and Execution: The group decides to go with the secret entrance and successfully opens it. A train rolls in, and Haegwin checks it out, noticing it’s unloading plenty of gold and produce. They explore the tunnel and find out it’s a church dedicated to Baalzebul
Rally and Attack: After the exploration, the group returns to a rally, and as it ends, Hileria Starbrook is shot. The episode outlines various entry points for the heist, with the group ultimately choosing the secret passageway. However, they discover an unexpected connection to Beelzebul, and the situation takes a dark turn when Hilaria is attacked.



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