Heagwin Helstain


A student at College of Adventurers at Minos Point   Nephew of Xindrus Helstain.    

Known History

He first appeared in CAMP Year One . Was present at the battle against Gerald the Chipmunk at the docks of Bliznia 
In CAMP Year Two his roomate was Belwas Garcia . Left before Folantis Pluma killed Qarl of the Reptilians . He was an witness in the trials but not charged. His dorm was a meeting place for the students. They would drink tea, and some times talk to gods like Iris or be confronted by teachers like Voorx Yars or bad guys like Thomas Bareak .  
He was hired by Alvis Sifuentes to make a poision, this was supposed to be easy, but when the botany teacher is kidnapped it gets much harder, after the hiest of Basil Mansion he makes the poison and learns it is ment to kill a Devil. He gives it to Alvis and eventually goes to Hell with the party.    Upon return helps with the Bliznian Civil War by going to CAMP and talking to the administration. 



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