Myths Three

General Summary

"The party killed the cultists, saving the festival, and met the god of wine and madness, Erominna, who offered to have a drink with them. Half of the party partaking and the other half speaking with the dead Warlock, who, believing them to be fellow cultists, directing them to find one Besar, who was on his way to Burdina. With no more excuses, they reunited with the rest of the party, who were soon escorted by Erominna to an orgy in the forest, where they immediately robbed the god before using the magic of her own palace to escape via teleporting across the continent, where they were greeted with smoke... (edited) " - The Gentleman     Irie Eltoris Tidbit Vanan Kulte Isaiah Oculus      Our heroes begin combat in Garadoa and barely manage to defeat them, with Irie going down at one point and her and Vanan later trying to run away. Tidbit was a sharpshooter with his cross bow and was the MVP.   After the combat they are greeting by Eromena and invited to the bar. Tidbit and Irie go to the bar. Isaiah and Vanan take the warlock an attempt to speak to its body. They learn that Besar Katu is on his way to Burdina .   Back at the bar they are invited to Grotto of Eromena and once there Tidbit gets naked and takes some Sundrop.    Irie goes inside to change and uses the magic of the palace to steal four magical artifacts. The Sword of Zerekoa, Amulet of the Planes, portable Hole and a Gold Lion Statue.
Report Date
28 Jul 2022


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