Old Jail House of Bliznia


  An old jail house where the students are kept in CAMP Year One and where Stellio Copperfield makes the temp HQ who the guards, replacing the destroyed Constable's Station .

Known History

It is where the students are held during CAMP Year One of CAMP and are rescued bby Travelling Organization of Gallant Adventurers . In CAMP Year Two they are held their again after Folantis Pluma killed Qarl.
It is also where Toots is held after the Bliznian Civil War and where Constable of Bliznia Stellio Copperfield made his HQ after the destruction of Bliznian Constable's Station .   


A modest, single-story structure built of sturdy, weathered stone. Located not far from the alls of Bliznia, but still securily a part of the old town. It is a squat, rectangular building that blends into the surrounding landscape with an air of simplicity. The roof is made of heavy slate tiles, many of which have shifted or cracked over the years, allowing moss to grow in the crevices.
The entrance to the jailhouse is a thick, reinforced wooden door, banded with iron and equipped with a large, recently replaced lock. A small, grated window in the door allows a glimpse inside, but little light penetrates the interior. Above the door, a faded wooden sign, barely legible, marks the building as a jail house.
  Inside, the jailhouse is dim and sparsely furnished. The main room serves as both a guardroom and an office, with a rough-hewn wooden table and a couple of sturdy chairs arranged near a small stone hearth. The hearth is seldom used, leaving the room chilly and uninviting. A few iron sconces are mounted on the walls, but most of the torches have long since burnt out, leaving the space in perpetual gloom. An old ledger, its pages yellowed with age, sits on a high desk, recording the few prisoners who have passed through the jail.
  The jailhouse contains just a handful of cells, each separated by thick stone walls and secured with heavy iron bars. The cells are small and claustrophobic, with just enough space for a straw-filled mattress on the floor and a single bucket in the corner. The floors are uneven stone, cold and hard, with a thin layer of straw scattered across them. A small, barred window high up on the wall allows a sliver of daylight to filter in, but it offers little comfort to those inside.
  The jailhouse is sparsely decorated, with only a few crude wooden pegs on the walls for hanging coats or weapons. A single, worn bench sits along one wall, where guards might have rested or kept watch over the prisoners. The air inside is damp and musty, filled with the scent of mildew and old stone, and the sound of dripping water echoes faintly from somewhere deep within the walls.
  Outside, a small, enclosed yard is surrounded by a high stone wall, offering a bit of fresh air to the prisoners when the guards deemed it necessary. The yard is overgrown with weeds and wild grasses, the stones underfoot cracked and uneven.
  Though small and unassuming, this medieval jailhouse is a place of confinement and discomfort, where prisoners are kept in solitude and gloom, awaiting their fate in the cold, unyielding embrace of stone and iron.


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