Stellio Copperfield


Half elf, artificer.   Former Headmaster of CAMP at College for Adventurers at Minos Point .   Former honory member of East Side Cobras . Was the best friend of Ulrich Atzetari .   Fought in the battle after the The Heist of Hell .   Is killed towards the end of CAMP Year Two by Percival Bloom    


  A strong jawed human man with thick brown hair, and stubble. He tends to dress simply with white togas, but sometimes with nicer trims to fit his station.      

Before CAMP

  Stellio Copperfield was a student of magic from a young age. He was adopted by some gnomes when he was just a year old, and soon grew to be much larger than them.   He studied at the The Mages College of Grutza before returning to Minos and begining his own small business. His limited knowledge ment he could only barely get by, but soon he sought after the knowledge and continued his mission.  

From the Newsletter

  Meet Headmaster Stellio Copperfield, a Korbrea native he has lived in Minos for the majority of his life. He has studied around the sea, and is now considered one of the best Artificer's in the world! While he takes his job and position seriously he also doesn't let it stop from him living the life of a hero. Stellio is a champion of Zortgilea and collects magical items, both those created by his job, and those created by others. He is known as a charming and intelligent man who beleives in his staff, and his students.   He is an avid fan of StrategyField, and loves to watch the games and practices of CAMP's team. He spends much of his time at school in the Forge, or in the field testing his inventions. He leaves most of the administration to his VP, but wont hesitate to step in when needed, or when he feels his staff is making the wrong call. His once daily meetings with staff are more weekly now, or sometimes less, but he remains up to speed on what is happening at CAMP, and is happy with his school.  

Known History

  Was the Headmaster of CAMP during CAMP Year One . Was very nice and kind and likeable to the students. During the brief Divine argument after the The Heist of Hell he fought in favor of Iris .   He would be removed at the end of the year after his involvement in the cover up of Naatal was discoevered. He ends up going to Sidirourgeío but eventually returns to Bliznia to become the new Constable of Bliznia just before the Bliznian Civil War .   He is killed by Percival Bloom at the end of CAMP Year Two

Long Summery CAMP Year One and CAMP Year Two

Season 1:
In Season 1, Stellio Copperfield is introduced as a significant and complex figure within the world of CAMP. His role is multifaceted, and he becomes increasingly involved in the various conflicts and mysteries that arise throughout the season.
  Admirable Figure with a Dark Side: Stellio is initially portrayed as a respected and admired individual, known for his strong leadership and combat skills. He is someone who commands respect, both from his peers and those he leads. However, as the season progresses, it becomes clear that Stellio has a darker side, with his motivations and past actions being more complex and morally ambiguous than they first appear.
  Connections to Gaius Manus : Stellio is revealed to have had a strong connection to Gaius Magnus, a central figure in the season's plot. His admiration for Gaius and his belief that Gaius could have been an emperor if born under different circumstances underscore Stellio's deep respect for strength and leadership. This connection also ties him to the ongoing investigation into Gaius’s murder.
  Mysterious Motivations: Throughout the season, Stellio’s true motivations remain somewhat enigmatic. He is involved in various plots and has his own agenda, which often intersects with the broader conflicts at CAMP. His actions suggest that he is a character who operates in the shadows, making decisions that benefit his interests while maintaining an air of respectability.
    Rise to Power: He is appointed as the new constable, a position of considerable authority, which allows him to wield even more power within Bliznia and beyond. This rise in status highlights Stellio’s ambition and his ability to maneuver through the political landscape to achieve his goals.
  Strategic Mind and Manipulation: Stellio is shown to be a master strategist, often manipulating events to his advantage. His ability to plan and execute complex operations, such as those involving the political conflicts and battles within Bliznea, showcases his cunning and intelligence. He is a character who is always thinking several steps ahead, making him a formidable presence.
  Involvement in Bliznian Civil War : Stellio plays a crucial role in the war against the devils, particularly in the efforts to confront and defeat figures like Percival Bloom and Baalzebul . His leadership and strategic acumen are critical in organizing resistance efforts and navigating the chaotic environment created by the devils’ influence.
  Moral Ambiguity: Throughout CAMP Year Two , Stellio’s actions continue to reflect his morally ambiguous nature. While he is often on the side of the protagonists, his methods and decisions are not always straightforward or ethical. This complexity adds depth to his character, making him one of the more intriguing and unpredictable figures in the series.
  Final Confrontation: By the end of Season 2, Stellio’s involvement in the major conflicts comes to a head. In the climactic moments, he is severely injured during a battle, and despite the group’s efforts to save him, he is ultimately left behind by Besar, indicating a significant loss and the consequences of his long and complicated journey.
  Overall Character Arc:
Stellio Copperfield’s arc across both seasons is one of power, strategy, and complexity. Starting as a respected and influential figure with a dark and mysterious side, Stellio’s journey takes him to the heights of power as he navigates the political and supernatural conflicts that define the series. His rise to prominence as a constable and his involvement in the war against devils showcase his ambition and strategic mind. However, his moral ambiguity and the eventual consequences of his actions add layers to his character, making him a compelling and multifaceted presence in the story. Stellio’s legacy is marked by both his successes and the high cost of his decisions, leaving a lasting impact on the world of CAMP.


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