Bliznian Constable's Station


  The Main station for the Constable of Bliznia and the law enforcement of Bliznia .   It is burnt down during CAMP Year Two.    


  The Bliznia Constable Station's exterior is made of sturdy stone, with iron-barred windows and a wooden door reinforced with steel. Inside, the atmosphere is both functional and tense, with a mix of wooden desks, filing cabinets, and magical communication tools. There's a jail in the back with cells made of enchanted iron bars, while the front office buzzes with activity. The vibe is one of controlled chaos, with officers dealing with local crime and law enforcement in a city plagued by unrest.
It is burnt to rubble during CAMP Year Two . During the chaos of its destruction, during the Bliznian Civil War ,  Ulrich Atzetari is kidnapped by men workinng for Thomas Bareak . This ultimately leads to both of their deaths.


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