Tarring Family

A powerful and wealthy family from the city of Urrea .   They have investments and interest in many holdings, and are owed a lot of money by various nobles in both Alea and Korbrea because of the The War of the Copper Prince .   Brock Louis Tarring is an artificer living outside Grutza .     The head of the Family is Elidyr Tarring, who is the cities Lord of Coin, and head of the Bank of Gold. He is married to Elizabeth Tarring, a human. His selected heir is not his son Brock, but instead his nephew Rathal Tarring, who was orphaned after the death of his parents, including Zelphar Tarring.     Their family vault is a small room, and holds many non-magical gems and stones, as well as a Ring of Spell Storing, Ioun Stone: Regeneration, Horn of Blasting, Staff of the Rods Adder, Staff of the Woodlands, Golden Lion, Carpet of Flying, Boots of Elven Kind, Amulet of Health, and many books.   They also have a locked stable that includes a handful of magical carriages, and a mechanical horse on wheels that pulls the carriage. Includes a slick black carriage with flames painted on the side.


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