
Korbrea - a town known for their copper, Patron is Berdakoa, god of mining, of nature, of fire and metal working, maybe includes native rock to create better copper,     Fought a war with Alea known as The War of the Copper Prince because the Prince of Korbrea is assassinated early on.   The war lead to a strong worship the god Odola. the god of War.   The King, a human named Mo Korriban , was once a man of administration and expansion, but now is a hermit. He lost his only son during the war that was named after him, and though he may have won the war, he has withdrawn from the world.   His regent is a half elf named Airden Willowbrook , a compete wizard who is also a skilled administrator. He leads the city council and deals with the city in the absence of the king.   The Council includes     All councilors are powerful.   The Kings Vault has been sold off to fund the war, but some items remain, including: Ring of XRay Vision, Quaals Feather Token: Tree, Crystal Ball, Berserker Axe.
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