The Angry


  A Gang in Garadoa during the time of Curse of the Black Crest Season One in Curse of the Black Crest    Lead by Lomuk The Wise   A gang lead by Lomuk, many of his veterans, who have blamed the criminal underworld of the city.


  • Lomak The Angry is the General, back from the war he is still angry, and he wants the crest
  • Captain Sorgin , a veteran and former Tribune of the People, 100% loyal to Lomak, and to Garadoa.
  • LT Kevparin Eltoris , a distant cousin of Edmure and Oliver, he was born in Laban, but raised in Alea, and moved to Garadoa after his parents died when he was young, he worked for Kilian as a youth, and now is a young officer with a chip on his shoulder.
  • LT Boson Rirsk , a soilder who became a guard to Lomak, and eventually given command

Known History

    Formed to combat the The Black Crest . They fought them in various battles but never really came out on top.    Once Stormed WildCloak Casino .


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