Westwood Administration Building


  A building on the Campus at College for Adventurers at Minos Point .   Appears in CAMP   It holds the admin offices of College for Adventurers at Minos Point as well as the office of Perry Woolworth  

Known History

    It was half empty at the begining of CAMP Year One , with Gerald the Chipmunk taking over a room to produce drugs. This lab is later blown up takes to Hyria Valeriana . It is slowly rebuilt after.   During CAMP Year Two it is revealed to hold a secret room blind to Baalzebul .   It is a common back drop in CAMP .    


  The Westwood Administration Building is a key structure at the College for Adventurers at Minos Point, located near the center of the campus. Originally constructed from sturdy brick and marble, the building reflects a blend of functionality and subtle elegance. Its exterior is marked by a handful of marble pillars that line the front entrance, giving it a stately, academic appearance while maintaining a sense of simplicity. These pillars, along with its brick facade, make it stand out as a central hub for the college’s operations.
Inside, the building is primarily functional, designed to house the administrative offices that handle the day-to-day affairs of the college. The layout is efficient, with practical hallways and offices for the faculty and staff, including the headmaster's office and various department heads. The main lobby features a large directory and a waiting area, providing easy access for students seeking guidance or assistance.
  One of the most notable offices inside is that of Perry Woolworth, a private investigator and teacher at the college. His office, tucked in the back corner of the building, is a bit more eclectic than the rest, filled with cases of old artifacts, maps, and books, reflecting his dual role as investigator and educator.
  In CAMP Year One  of CAMP, the building was severely damaged during a mysterious explosion, leaving much of its structure in ruins. In the aftermath, the Westwood Administration Building was slowly rebuilt and modernized. During reconstruction, new enhancements were added, such as updated magical security systems, enchanted windows that offer protection from intrusions, and stronger, more reinforced walls. Despite the changes, the rebuilt building still retains its original brick and marble design, paying homage to its historical significance on the campus.


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